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Rashek's PR Manager

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Posts posted by Rashek's PR Manager

  1. On 2023/6/27 at 6:38 PM, Isilel said:

    I am not sure that the characters' speculations should be taken as absolute truth. 

    I concur. We don't have TLR's pov, so we, as well as Sazed/Harmony, only know what TLR had done, not his logic behind those actions.

  2. On 2022/5/26 at 7:39 PM, Treamayne said:


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    So, presumably, the first shadow is the past version of the target at the branching point and the second shadow is who they could have been now had they made different choices. 


    Your speculation is valid, but I believe that the second shadow belonged to the Inquisitor holding Vin instead of TLR, since both Vin and Kelsier only saw one shadow in other circumstances.

  3. 19 hours ago, Elf said:

    Also another thing. One of my friends used to have periods but she stopped having them and I'm like is that normal?

    As far as I know, hormones play a significant role in one's periods. I don't know about your friend and am speaking only from my own experience. 

    Tw: depression


    My periods stopped when I was suffering from mental illness. According to my doctor, it's caused by my nervous tension or stress, which led to a hormone imbalance. I went without periods for more than four years.

    Anyway, the effects are not necessarily permanent, even if they continue for a relatively long time.

  4. A dreams thread! 

    Recently I dreamt on two consecutive nights that I became Elend. On the first night I set out to find Kelsier, only to get killed. I can't remember who it was that killed me, just that I was on my way to meet Kel and suddenly everything went black. The next night I approached the Lord Ruler and told him the main plot of Mistborn Era 1, expecting that he'd help me save the world (I was clearly not thinking straight hahaha). However, TLR was like "hey since Scadrial turns out to be fine, I just need to follow the storyline and wait for your future wife to kill me". When I protested he became impatient and everything went black again.

  5. 10 hours ago, Maddie The Survivor said:

    One thing, that is the ultimate no no for your siblings..

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    Never EVER EVER tell them your crush. Especially if they know the person….

    I’ve had baaaadddddd things happen with that scenario. 

    Fortunately there's a big age gap between me and my siblings. So we don't know a lot about each other's life at school or work.

    On 2022/4/2 at 7:31 AM, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

    don't beat yourself up Rashek! I'm sure your being the best one you could possibly be!

    It's really nice of you to say so!

  6. 50 minutes ago, Robin Sedai said:

    The ability to make food not stick to the bottom of the pot!

    Ah this would make it so much easier to wash the dishes!

    I want a force field at my apartment's door. It can tell me who is knocking on the door or lurking around my doorstep. Only with my permission will it let anyone enter. Preferably, it can send electric shock to knock out bad guys.

    Even better, the ability to remove people from my place. If someone fools me and enters my house, I can teleport them back outside in the blink of an eye.

  7. 10 hours ago, Doomslug The Destroyer said:

    I feel this bro.

    Thank you, it's just soooo hard *sign*

    7 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

    your siblings can't be THAT bad.

    I wish they weren't. They are not the only ones to blame though, I believe I'm not a good big sister. 

  8. I'm an oldest and I HATE my siblings. They are a storming nightmare. Nah it's not like I want them dead or something, just that I'd be glad to have them removed from my life. Rust and Ruin! As for what they've done to me, I'll not go into details here because it's their privacy, but hey, nightmare indeed. *crying into my pillow*

  9. 15 hours ago, robardin said:

    I mean, could he have done a better job? Certainly to have done it... More nicely? Uh, yeah. But "poor showing", sorry, that's not fair to ol' Rashek.

    Arrogant and a little bit dumb (given that he could infinitely compound zinc), OK, maybe; even "sloppy"; but "lazy"? There's good evidence he put his Compounding to use by personally seal those cans under Kredik Shaw!

    I, Rashek's PR manager, strongly agree with you on this one. My client had been suffering from extremely serious mental illness, exacerbated by not only a thousand years' isolation and Ruinous whispers, but pressures upon him on a Cosmere scale as well, diagnosed by Mr Sanderson. So while it's totally reasonable to condemn his behaviors, attributing those behaviors to something like pure laziness, dumbness or sloppiness is complacent in itself. Please don't laugh at people's health issues:ph34r:.

    (Hopefully I'm not deviating too far from topic:P)



    What did The Lord Ruler do all day? He was totally bored right? What would he have done to get his hands on some Cadmium?

    Brandon Sanderson

    He was bored, but he was also—he was not mentally all completely... sane? I guess? That's a wrong way to say it. He was having trouble simply continuing to exist because of pressures and forces upon him in a cosmere sort of way. Much as the same sort of thing is happening to the Heralds and has happened to the Fused. He was not, let's say, in a stable sort of immortality like Hoid has found. Or I should say, his is unlike what Hoid has found. 



    You once said that you want to explore in your books how humans change in their behavior and personality when living several hundred or a thousand years. Many of these characters in your books go mad: for example, the Heralds or the Lord Ruler. But still, Hoid seems as "normal" as someone can be after such a long time. Is there any reason why he didn't become "mad"?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It's more that what happened to the others, something is wrong, if that makes sense. What's going with the Heralds, the supernatural madness of the Heralds is related to their specific situation. With the Lord Ruler, I don't think what happened to the Lord Ruler... His is a really interesting situation. I would say that it is not supernatural; it is his isolationist attitude, the pressures placed upon him, and things like that. It's a very normal type of mental... I don't want to call it mental illness, but you know what I mean. A conventional mental illness, if you will, exacerbated by extreme periods spent alone and isolating self. And that's where you get what happened to him.


  10. Yes I am. Sorry no details but yeah it's fairly easy to intimidate me.

    4 hours ago, Trutharchivist said:

    Welcome to the Shard! Where everyone is polite and nice. People will give you cookies for free, will try to enlist you to their cults and/or sacrifice you!

    Did I say that out loud?

    Sorry, I'm in a weird mood today. Though you really should be wary of those cookies. Maybe you were already warned, but just in case.

    Thank you for your warm welcome and the warning about cookies! I'm already warned, but one can't be too careful with cookies:D.

    TPBM is hard to intimidate.

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