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Everything posted by Announcer

  1. This was harder than I thought. Dalinar Sazed Kaladin Szeth Lightsong Honorable mention goes to Teft I was also surprised that there were no female characters in my top 5. I generally love reading about them and some of them are definitely in my top 10.
  2. Hahaha I agree Cool ,she is another multidimensional character Oh ok thank you for the tip.I was actually wandering how to do that
  3. Please fill free to make it a meme or a T-shirt I am not awfully original about my favourite character either , my first choise would certainly be Dalinar. The internal comflict he faces trying to reconsile his past with the person he wants to become ,as well as his commitment to a set of higher ideals despite the external pressure he faces really resonates with me. But having read Mistborn era 1 now, I have to say I love Sazed as much as Dalinar. What I believe is great about Saze is that he is a very wise and capable person but he is also very humble about it . He never tries to overshadow or judge anyone and can genuinly find validity in other peoples opinions. But thats enough of what I think, I am really interested to read who is/are your favorite cosmere character/-s. And I mean all of you.
  4. Really?I was kind of worried to say anything more cause of spoilers. Anyway, how do you feel about Vyre? And if you agree with me how would you summarise it in 3 words ? (it was a challenge for me and i'm curious to see how will you handle it )
  5. Wow ,that's difficult. How to encapsulate my immence hatred for that person...I will go with He killed E (:name)
  6. Hmmm interesting. Well by my least favourite you mean sb that is written in way that makes him/her unlickable (like an antagonist perhaps) or sb that I personally find really obnoxious? If its the former ,then I really HATE Vyre (using that name to avoid spoilers).
  7. Thats understandable I will keep the swearing to the cosmere approved minimum (starvin, colourless....)
  8. Hello there all you weird and wonderful people of the 17thShard ! I feel thrilled to finally join you ! Before I go any further ,I would like you to know that I am here because I accepted an obscure job application, titled "Hunting Hoid" .Well ,I am ready and await further instructions I am relatively new to Shanderson's work but suffice it to say that it's taking me by storm! Just yesterday I finished The Hero of Ages ! I started reading Shanderson last Jun and since then I have read the four Stormlight books ,Warbreaker and now Mistborn era 1. Plus I can't wait to get my hands on Elantris and Arcanum Unbounded ! I am a huge fan of fantasy and worldbuilding in general and I adore the Cosmere. I made the decision to join your community ,because non of my friends has read any cosmere books yet (although I am turning them arround) and I just needed to talk with people about the shear brilliance of Brandon Shanderson's work and perhaps make a few new friends along the way. I should also mention that it's my first time joining a wed forum and I hope I don't embarrass myself too much before I understand how everything works. My question to you is : Is anything ,other than writing about spoilers in the right forum ,that i should have in mind or worry about when i participate in the discussions etc. ? Thanks for having me.
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