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Posts posted by AllHailStick

  1. For 2:
    So, with my understanding of Transformation and this little WOB that soulcast blood would match the recipient's DNA (https://wob.coppermind.net/events/171/#e8587), would that not infer spiritual realm shenanigans where the soul cast object would no longer spiritually be that object? 

    If that's the case, it would probably depend on your definition of vegan. Soulcast meat would no longer be an animal product, but it would be derived from an animal product. Maybe a real world comparison would be how and animal could decompose and eventually become part of a plant. In the strictest sense (nonsensically) that would be an animal product, but no one really would consider it so. 

    Does the soulcast grain-from-meat remember ever being meat afterwards?  

  2. 7 minutes ago, Frustration said:



    To the both of you

    Dalinar's Oaths go

    1. The Immortal words
    2. I will Unite instead of Divide, I will bring men together
    3. If I must fall I will rise each time a better man.

    "I am Unity" was never one of them


    Oh, yeah. "I am Unity" was his perpendicularity moment. Definitely fell into that mistake.

    In that case, I revise to the following just because:
    2. I will disseminate, I believe in free knowledge for all.

  3. 5 hours ago, apepi said:

    Did Row talk about the elevator spren wanting to manifest as elevators fabrials so they are closer to the physical realm, thus can think more or something? For some reason that is stuck in my mind. I feel like that is an on going theme of some spren wanting to get into the physical realm and bond, so that they can think in it.

    I'm not sure about the elevator part. You're on the right track with cognition though. Unless I'm forgetting something, spren can manifest in the physical basically whenever [they have something drawing them there (ie. emotion, a budding radiant, etc.)], but unless they have a bond of some sort, they risk their minds fading away. I think that was what happened on and off with Syl through WoK, right?

  4. 18 hours ago, AquaRegia said:

    2)  I LOVE your profile pic!  Stick, of course, is a legend... but what first looked to me like a solar eclipse "diamond ring" became a dilated eyeball, THEN I saw the detail in the iris is actually Alethi script.  Brilliant!  Is it your work?

    Unfortunately I am not nearly so artistic, just another admirer of sticks. I didn't realize the signature got cut off, but source is below.
    The Stick of Resolve, Artwork by Ari Ibarra https://ariirf.com/

  5. 18 hours ago, Inquisitor #5 said:

    Oh, and a tip, at the bottom of your post you should have a button labeled "Edit," you can use that to avoid multi-posting in the future.

    I didn't realize it was so frowned upon. I really just wanted to separate the various trains of thought for easier threads, but I'll do differently in the future.

  6. 18 hours ago, Inquisitor #5 said:

    No, bonded spren don't provide extra investiture in the same way as a Breath and barring potential Fifth Ideal shenanigans nothing should be lost by the Radiant in that way, were the bond removed.

    No, I get that they don't provide extra investiture - Nalthis is kinda weird. I suppose I was referring to something like a 5th ideal radiant whos spirit web was heavily interconnected with their spren. If that spren was tossed in a gem, it could potentially be a (spiritually) painful process for both, and I wish I knew the ramifications for it. I'll spoiler my next part just in case (even though this is RoW spoiler territory.


    I know it was really agonizing for Teft to lose Phendorana in the way he did, but I think that was more emotional pain than anything. Also, that could be totally unrelated to the spren in a gem idea.

    I'm sure we'll have more to go off of in Book 5.

  7. And another theory: 

    Say you get a Honorspren in a fabrial, could you use it to elicit more honor as an area of effect sort of buff?

    Think flamespren putting off heat, but in a DND buff type of way. Ex) you keep some Honor-rials (patent pending) around your war camp to help keep your soldiers in check.

  8. Apologies if it has been discussed or I've forgotten something.

    What would happen to a sapient spren if it was captured in a gem? We've obviously seen lower spren be captured and we've seen Unmade like the Thrill and Ba-Ado-Mishram (kinda seen) be captured, but what about the in-between? 

    Could you manifest some effect from a fabrial made with a Sapient spren? What would happen if the gem was broken and the spren escaped (would the spren experience a loss of function, cognition, etc.). (I think this has been somewhat discussed in some Shardcasts about Ba-Ado-Mishram.) Does this affect bonds (thinking Nahel) in strange ways?

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