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Posts posted by TheOneEyedFox

  1. Thinking of practical uses of Scadrial investiture and while watching tv led to a thought and link it if it’s been discussed, but if one wanted to travel to deep space with little to no resources and not have to wait couldn’t they burn cadmium and become onboard life support during space travel?

  2. On 1/29/2021 at 5:42 PM, Dvir said:

    1. if forging is used by changing history (using  stamps) and become, lets say, a soldier or something, cant an apprentice whos just finished to learn using Soulstamps, create a stamp which will make him an incredibly talented forger? so basically every forger can become as good as Shai? it will take a lot of time but it is possible, right?

    Think more production line 1 creates 2 that can creat 2 each and so on. The problem with your initial way is that even if they did gain the skill to do so, at best they could go back and join slightly earlier learning slightly more slightly sooner which won’t do them much good if they put in years of studying.

  3. On 2/5/2021 at 5:32 AM, TheWanderer said:

    I am aware that while Elantrians could use tools such as quills, sticks, etc to make aons and they still functioned. Ultimately they needed to use their intent as part of the process.

    Aon Dor stamps, precarved sticks with large aons extending from the ends and the process of pushing the stick would function the same as stabbing a finger. More advanced methods could use giant precarved stamps pushed by several Elantrians focusing a singular intent.

  4. On 3/27/2021 at 3:54 AM, Daggon Forescout said:

    I'm afraid I'm not getting the same vibe that Hoid had something to do with the assassination.

    Nahh he just needed this to make a perfect body to contain a shadow, he just used her even though he was sure she could handle herself and that’s why he apologized

  5. 31 minutes ago, Quantus said:

    maybe maybe not.  It definitely implies that Forgery is too fragile to grant/recreate some larger effects

    Forging has been compared to a program with the more detailed output requiring more detailed instructions.


    The above link shows that with the moon scepter, which is currently in the possession of the imperial fool, is a translation tool transcribing the necessary processes to achieve your goal, essentially making rewriting a soul as simple as rewriting a pot if not easier.

    40 minutes ago, Quantus said:

    By contrast a Shard worth of Power that causes Sliver inflation, etc might forge its own larger Connection once the initial contact is made, lightning rod style.

    I was thinking along the same lines, if you could fool the essence of a shard that is not tied to a being for long enough, it may draw in all the power giving you access even momentarily... if nothing else use that moment to condense the god metal and access it’s form of investiture that way.

  6. How do you mean? If it rewrote his history so that he had accepted the shard how would this require more investiture than rewriting another soul as you are preforming the same action? I would understand if it required a ridiculously detailed soul stamp due to his vast history and depth but this could be solved with an artifact such as the moon scepter which auto programs the Dor. 

    I would be interested to see if the investiture which has been dispersed would condense around him as a possible host. 

  7. Through use of forgery it is shown that one can take different paths in their past for different results to become different versions that could have been

    Since it has become apparent Hoid had an opportunity to become a shard at some point could forging his soul turn him into one?

  8. 18 minutes ago, Ixthos said:

    I'm not entirely sure I understand your question here? The collective view of how the closest - connection wise - people to an object saw it, and the cummulitive effect of this, changes how an item sees itself - it is, in essence, what it will tell you it is.

    If it is the accumulation of how an object and others view the object then wouldn’t it see itself how others believed it to be? Then the object itself would perceive itself how others do and manifest in the cognitive realm accordingly. Then all you must do is convince enough people of something and the object will be convinced as well.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Ixthos said:

    In Secret History we also see a fire that was treated as a source of warmth, almost alive, to generations of skaa - and so it to saw itself as something almost alive, and with the purpose of giving warmth.

    So if this was manifested in the cognitive realm it would manifest as warmth and not really fire? I feel like this just adds to the questions.


    8 minutes ago, Ixthos said:

    I believe the main impact belief has on objects in the cognitive realm is on how they see themselves - a book that was never read would see itself as something to sit on a shelf and be admired, a sword used to protect would see itself as a guardian, a sword used to kill would see itself as a weapon.

    So does this mean everything within those definitions is fluid and mailable? 

  10. Cognitive Reflections

    After speaking with people online I have become obsessed with the way people’s beliefs, perceptions, and  interpretations effect the cognitive realm.

    My question

    If a blind man makes a bowl with no clue what material it is, what does the cognitive representation look like? What color is it? What happens if he tells people in town about this beautiful purple bowl he made? What if he then brings the bright red bowl to town?

    The Applications

    What happens when this same man makes a sword from material he believes whole heartedly can store stormlight (or some other effect)?

    Thoughts? What could be made? What can be done with this knowledge?

    Thank you in advance!

  11. On 2/25/2020 at 9:03 PM, Friendshipspren said:

    Yeah so kelsier wouldn't actually be in symbiosis , he would have hijacked the host body right ? 

    Wouldn’t he have to highjack a willing singer in order to reside in their gemheart? Otherwise the bond would be more like that of a Spren where they have some connection to the physical realm strengthened by their bond.

  12. On 2/27/2020 at 5:09 PM, Criggleworth said:


    I suspect that the Fused take over bodies because that's how Odium designed it when he made them into the Fused


    100% agree, I think it is more of a choice situation with the fused, why would they want to appear as a guide like Spren when they could take control completely? We know they have a natural assertion of their will as they bond as seen with Venli.

  13. On 2/28/2020 at 7:49 AM, Honorless said:

    I don't think Heralds, as they are, can be Bonded like this (though, of course they can Bond with spren like anyone else).

    I think they recreate their bodies in the Physical, so they aren't always Cognitive Shadows, they just have the Spiritual aspect and Investiture necessary to always turn them into Cognitive Shadows when they are killed.

    So they could be bonded while in the cognitive? Though if they were to return to the physical would the bond strain or strengthen greatly as they have been fully brought to the physical realm?

  14. Wouldn’t this be done the same way a bondsmith links a person to a land causing them to be subject to the laws of that world? Which is why some work better than others because of their natural alignment to that realm and the ones requiring severe changes not so much.

  15. On 1/21/2021 at 5:02 PM, Kingsdaughter613 said:

    Harmony would drop Harmony. And Harmonium isn’t an alloy of Atium and Lerasium, but something different. So I’d think Harmony’s tone would be more than a simple blend of the two, but contain elements of both.

    It’s a “Harmony”

  16. Super Lift!

    The idea
    Lift gets a bendalloymind so she can can eat bottomlessly and bring out endless reserves of Awesomeness!

    The thought process

    After reading both Mistborn and Stormlight Archive I am curious about the combinations possible throughout the Cosmere and the interactions of investiture! 
    The question

    What combinations of the Cosmere interest you the most? What effect, drawbacks and uses does this create?

    Combination question#2

    Would the gemstones of Roshar be able to capture the mists? Would an allomancer be able draw on the gym stone as if it were metals? 

  17. On 8/9/2020 at 0:11 PM, theTruthshaper said:

    The damage will be pretty low? I doubt that these would even annoy the Fused. Now, if they developed explosives...

    This could easily be done by placing an aluminum switch between two gemstones one containing void light the other anti-void light when pressed the aluminum barrier slides out of the way allowing the transfer to begin and can be timed based off material connected the two as well as size. 


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