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Status Updates posted by midnight13

  1. Hi there! Thanks for following me! :) 

  2. Somehow, being Pahn Kahl is not as interesting as being an Awakened object.

  3. Okay, now I’m an Awakened object. I hope I’m that squirrel that (almost) got to run around and annoy Allmother’s priestesses.

  4. REJOICE! Days of heavy-lifting and bridge-carrying are now behind me. I have ascended! I am noble-blooded! I have went from running towards volleys of arrows directly to sipping tea in a grand mansion! Now I just have to make sure I don’t get assassinated by one of the other Houses before I buy up all the doughnuts in the world. Ah, life is good.


    Oh storms, Kelsier hates me now...


    1. Bearer of all agonies
    2. midnight13


      Wait. Kaladin likes doughnuts as well? ;)

    3. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Yes. It’s his favorite food in fact. 



      What is Kaladin’s favorite food?

      Brandon Sanderson

      Doughnuts. Kaladin loves a good donut.

  5. I'm a bridgeman.



    1. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Yay! That’s good! 
      oh no now you’ll have to get killed by running strait at some archers 

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