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Posts posted by GriffinMaze

  1. On 12/9/2020 at 8:37 AM, Govir said:

    See, I've always thought that his "punishment" is really just a duty that he's trying to avoid. I would have to re-read (maybe just the beginning of RoW), but I don't think Rock ever uses the term "punishment".

    So the rough outline of what I think happened: Rock has either always been some sort of important station with his people or became so when his group was killed after coming down from the mountain. Rock doesn't want to be that important station, and so delayed in returning (being a slave was a good excuse). But now that he has taken up the bow and fought, he can no longer ignore his duty and must return to his people. Rock is sullen because he will have to take up a mantle he does not want, and everyone else is thinking this means he will be punished.

    Rock's punishment is certainly leadership 

  2. I think Adolin is going to be our hero of books 6-10 and the biggest reason that will be possible is because he's NOT a Radiant. I haven't worked through all the possibilities yet but Adolin is being set up for some big developments in this book and because of timelines, those moments wont come in book 5

  3. Raboniel was awesome. She was super valuable to build Navani's character to show how similar they were but still different at the same time. Also she was useful to show that not all the fused are the same or in agreement with each other. The Raboniel, Pursuer, Leshwi dynamic was great. All fused, all different

  4. Could Adolin be a/working with the Ghostbloods?


    SOMETHING had to have been going on with him while his dad was away or drinking himself into a stupor during Adolin's youth. Who would we least suspect among Shallan's group to be a ghostblood agent?

    It would make tons of sense for them to have approached him as a youth when he was vulnerable

  5. If we are talking 5E. I think the best way to make a Surgebinder fit into the mold would be to have players be able to pick 1 surge at each class feature level. 3, 7, 11 etc. I would try to find existing spells that fit the mold of each Surge and maybe slightly modify as need to make sure the Surges aren't too OP.

  6. Just now, Karger said:

    I said problematic.  Read misleading.  Not wrong.

    Its a persons opinion? He (and I) think the Veil personality is the most authentic and closest to the "real" Shallan.

    There is nothing problematic or misleading about that. 

    33 minutes ago, Karger said:

     Adolin for example would not consider Veil the most important part of Shallan because Veil lacks any real capacity for intimacy.  Jasnah would find Veil a summation of Shallan least valuable traits.  Her brother probably like Veil but none of them would stick their necks out for her.  .

    Other characters opinions have absolutely no impact on the opinion that " the Veil personality is the most authentic and closest to the "real" Shallan."


  7. 20 minutes ago, Karger said:

    I think that way of thinking is somewhat problematic.  Sure Veil is arguably the most complex of the three "fake", for lack of a better word, personalities Shallan uses but that does not mean she is the closest to the "real one" just that it is the one she uses most often and the one she gave more of herself to.  Adolin for example would not consider Veil the most important part of Shallan because Veil lacks any real capacity for intimacy.  Jasnah would find Veil a summation of Shallan least valuable traits.  Her brother probably like Veil but none of them would stick their necks out for her.  Veil is Shallan's idealized version of the parts of her that don't need help.

    Nothing you said contradicts @Rainier 's post. Lost of strawmen in your post. Nothing is ever said about which personality is "most important" and other characters reactions to Shallan's personalities are all irrelevant when discussing which personality is the closest to Shallan's "real" personality

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