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Article Comments posted by ShawnMC

  1. I took the test THREE times, only adjusting my answers slightly each time as I tried to be more honest with myself concerning each slider, and all three times I got Truthwatcher as my top result.

    Truthwatcher: 73%

    Lightweaker: 66%

    Windrunner: 63%

    Edgedancer: 61%

    Willshaper: 58%

    Skybreaker: 53%

    Elsecaller: 49%

    Stoneward: 48%

    Dustbringer: 47%

    Bondsmith: 42%


    I'm not gonna' lie, I'm a little disappointed by the results. But then these always seem to be the types of results I get in tests like these. I bet if I took a similar test for something like Allomancy, I'd probably get Soother or Tineye when really all I want to do is punch stuff like a Thug.

    But if I'm being honest, I'd say Truthwatcher fits me pretty well but if I had my pick and stuck to the theme with what I think really fits me the most, I'd probably choose Lightweaver, Elsecaller, or Willshaper. The Truths as Oaths part of Lightweaver would have me scared (I feel bad for Shallan) but I think I fit their more artsy side than I do the scientific part of Truthwatchers. I like the Elsecallers for always wanting to better themselves and reach their potential (something I cam currently working on in my personal life) and Willshapers for how much they value freedom.

    But if I threw out all of my inhibitions and ignored what I think "truly suits me" then I think I'd want to be an Edgedancer. I'm not a particularly religious person, more of a skeptic really, but I love how the Edgedancers focus on helping the common people, those who might otherwise slip through the cracks. I feel like one of those people sometimes and so I respect their desire to remember those people.

    Also, I'm not gonna lie, Lift makes it look like some damnation good fun. 

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