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Posts posted by Kelwynish

  1. Hmm I'll admit I haven't looked very hard yet but... Where's all the white sand fan art? I don't see a thread (is that the right word?) in the gallery. I finished my latest (chasmchullspineling in the stormlight gallery please provide feedback ) and was looking for inspiration on my next piece. Am I just going to have to dig or am I missing something? 

  2. I was not aware I had that ability! Cool thank you for the information. I would agree that it's a trivial thing. I really just wanted to know the process and felt weird not having something to report if I was asking :) thanks again. This site rocks! 

  3. Not sure where to go to report this but here goes. 

    This is question number 88 on the Barnes and nobles book club Q&A. Skip to last paragraph for the actual problem:



    Can you tell us what the rest of the Feruchemical and Hemalurgic powers are? Since, you know, you won't be writing in the Mistborn world for many years, and those Feruchemical and Hemalurgic Tables might not even come into existence if the Allomantic Metals one doesn't sell. Pretty please?


    Brandon Sanderson

    I will release this eventually. I'm still tweaking the powers—their names, and how they function—and so I'd rather hold off on revealing anything specific right now. We might include them in the RPG, though.


    When is the Table of Allomantic Metals coming out?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Printer emailed me today for final confirmation. Should be very soon now.

    Barnes and Noble Book Club Q&A (July 8, 2009)


    I'm pretty sure on the last response from Brandon he is saying Peter emailed me rather than printer emailed me bwhaha. If there is another place or method for reporting these please educate me. 

  4. Does investature exist everywhere? Like if there are no shards on a planet is there still investature? I vaugelly remember Brandon saying matter, energy and investature are one and the same but I can't find the wob to confirm... 

  5. Apologies if this isn't the correct channel for this question. What are your best practices for researching or trying to find a answer to a cosmere question? Like earlier today I was wondering if Felt and Hoid are the same dude (most certainly not) I pulled up both on the coppermind. I did a !wob search on discord and I searched the 17th shard with various keywords with no success. Then I posted the question here and someone answered it with wob quotes within minutes. Do I just stink at searching? Am I missing something? Any tips or tricks would be wonderful. 

  6. Thanks! Those wobs definitely put a nail in the coffin of that theory! I'm relatively sure it was not the making fun of old theories episode bc I just listened to that a few days ago and I feel like I "heard" ( or severely misunderstood) this a few weeks ago. 


    So awhile back I thought I remembered hearing something on Shardcast saying Hoid and Felt are the same person... I couldn't remember who Felt was so I dug into him on Coppermind. Seemed unlikely but hey I'm a novice and they are the pros. So I moved forward with this understanding. Then a respected member of the community (karger? I think) corrected me a few days ago when I was saying they are one and the same. Am I losing my mind? Did I take something out of context? Any help or speculation is wanted please and thank you. 

  8. Hey guys n gals I finally got off my bottom and started drawing again. I've posted my version of nightblood in the gallery. Ive started on a chull/Chasm fiend.. Super abstract... Thing as well. I'll post it if it turns out OK. I'll post nightblood here as well. Hope you enjoy it. Any constructive feedback is very welcome. 


  9. OK so while listening to shard cast has (I think) answered this question I'm also interested in theories. I know of the travelor (frost) are there any other confirmed dragons on screen? If so or if not then do we have any theories on possible dragons other than frost? Thanks guys n gals :) I'm nearly positive this question has been asked but I couldn't find it. If so many apologies. 


  10. Not sure if this is the right place for this so apologies in advance if so. My question is this: Does anyone know how quickly on average a stormlight book will be released as an audio book? I don't have alot of free time so generally I do my first "read" listening on my work commute. I'm really hoping stormlight 4 is released on audio the same day as paper. Thanks guys n gals 

  11. OK not sure this is the right place and this might be a silly question but in shard cast the group commonly refer to head cannon. I tttthhinkkk... I know what that means but can someone clarify? I keep picturing like a giant mech with a cannon for a face everytime they say it (I'm pretty sure that's not what they mean bwhaha) 

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