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Posts posted by Rusito

  1. Hi all, how are you?

    I was listening "Odium's Shardcast" and I think they mentioned "splintering is not permanent".
    Is it possible to restore a splintered Shard? Can a new Vessel claim it after that process?


    Like someone on Sel restoring/reuniting Dominion Shard and becoming the new vessel


  2. True, if I were Odium I think I would go after them anyways...I believe at his point the only one who knows a lot and has info on them is (as you mentioned) Hoid.

    Nevertheless, it would be great to find out that one of the original 16 regreted his/her decision and tried to go back...we'll have to wait and know them all.

  3. Hi All!
    I think I´ve read about how shards affect Vessels personalities and how, at some point, they end up being more the "feature" they chose over the person they once were.


    In secret History they mention how Ati is driven by Ruin and he is no longer the guy they knew.

    What would happen if the gave their power away? Apart from that residual power, would they be the person they used to?

    And is there any WoB regarding any Vessel who gave the power at some point (like dude I can't handle the pressure) and lived like a "normal" guy? Or are all the vessels who haven't died the original ones?

  4. 13 minutes ago, Booknerd said:

    Windrunners follow protection, while Skybreakers follow justice. Think of them like the deffence and prosecution in a court. Two sides of the same coin.

    Thanks! And what about their "powers"? 
    I see like Shallan can change her look and Lift can become "slippy"...besides the fact they can both fly and stuff...what are the main differences?

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