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Higgs-Boson Spren

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Posts posted by Higgs-Boson Spren

  1. I specifically think they are a different strain of the Aether. The biggest reason i have for this is the silver. So far as i can remember, nothing  seems to be affected by silver except the Aethers on Lumar and the Shades. Am i forgetting something?


    Also they are not like any other cognitive shadow that we’ve seen before, this could be because they are the Aethers’ version of a cognitive shadow or something. Their ability to turn people they kill into Shades is also somewhat reminiscent of the Arthers to me. 

  2. We know that Brandon has wanted the Aethers to be important for a long time. We see that the Shades on Threnody are vulnerable to silver which kills Aethers. They also have a significant physical resemblance to the Midnight Aether and Midnight Essence.

    My theory is that the Evil on Threnody is the Midnight Aether and that the Shades are manifestations of it.

  3. At the end of Rhythm of War we saw that the chasmfiend helped the Listeners. In the prologue there were three colors of blood. Red and orange are human and singer, and violet is the color greatshell blood. What if there were chasmfiends that were killed with the original fused and they got turned into thunderclasts? If they are sapient then they theoretically could be turned into cognitive shadows. 

  4. Rayse claims the shard embodies all passion, though the other shards named him Odium. We see that voidlight does enhance emotions in general, but especially aggressive and hateful passions. So is Odium the shard of all passions because passion directly causes hatred?

  5. 7 hours ago, Brightness Warrior said:
      Hide contentsI don't know if anyone else understands my explanation, as weird things tend to come out when I get tired. Goodnight, friends and fellow fans.

    That makes sense. I might be wrong but isn’t this confirmed already? Kaladin can’t heal his scars because he still sees them as a part of him. They have become a part of his cognitive ideal. 

  6. I highly doubt I’m the first to propose this, but in the Prologue and in several flashbacks depicting Desolations, there are references to large piles of burning Kremlings. We know that the Aimians are not very common on Roshar, and so it would stand to reason that few would know much about them. So it would be easy to mistake a pile of Hoardlings as Kremlings, especially when they’re burning. Do we know if the Aimians fought in the Desolations? And if so then were they fighting alongside or against the humans?

  7. On 11/11/2019 at 3:20 AM, Honorless said:

    Adonalsium wasn't one-of-a-kind. The Cosmere is one small star cluster. There are other galaxies, galaxy clusters, galaxy superclusters. There are other such beings. So, Rayse? Good luck being "top dog"

    I love this theory. I think it’s quite possible. Is there any actual evidence for it though?

  8. Keep in mind this is just my mind wandering. There is not really any indication to this, and it very well may have already been confirmed false. 

    Is the Cosmere the name of the universe or the galaxy? if it’s the universe then scratch the rest of this. But if it’s the galaxy, what if Adonaulsium (sorry if that’s spelled wrong) wasn’t the only being/power/thing like it? Could there be others in other galaxies? Could we maybe see one of these beings come to the Cosmere? 

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