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Posts posted by LittleMoss

  1. My guess is that it just faded back into the cognitive realm after a few days once Tien was dead, but I'm not sure we have any sure evidence that's what even happens yet.



    We know this is the case for Yunfah (or however his name is spelled), the Honorspren Kaladin wants to bond with Rlain, so I'd assume it's the same for Cryptics. Then again, it seems that not every spren manifests in the physical realm equal to other types, so it could be totally different for a Cryptic than an Honorspren.


  2. I propose: Soilsearchers

    Surges of abrasion and cohesion

    Spren: groundspren


    1. Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination.

    2. I will know my limits.

    3. I will identify who most needs my help and serve them first.

    4. I will allow help from others.

    5. I will respect a person's right to refuse help.

    Basically, I'm playing with Windrunner mentalities here, with a touch of Edgedancer and Truthwatcher in there, too. Empathetic and driven people fit the Order of the Soilsearchers, and are typically associated with the care of patients, whether that be they're a medic, an engineer of safety devices, etc. Note that they do not have Progression and thus cannot use Stormlight to heal others. This forces them to rely on other tactics of helping others, all the while they have a more effective method of healing for themselves - this aligns poignantly with their oaths of learning self-care and learning to coral their empathy within reason, I think.

    I just whipped this together on the fly, just like 5 or 10 minutes, so.... how'd I do? XD

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