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Posts posted by Krafl

  1. Just now, Oltux72 said:

    An Alethi taking up arms for Odium to get Alethkar is a traitor. He wouldn't be innocent.

    Yes Gavinor would be formally a traitor, but my point is that what matters is Dalinar perception: could he really think of Gavinor as an enemy and not an innocent? Could Dalinar really believe that killing a child is an honorable mean to his goal?

    I personally don't believe Dalinar could justify to himself Gavinor sacrifice, but it's just my opinion and I could be wrong.

    P.S. I also believe that facing Gavinor as Odium champion, Dalinar would simply surrender and lose the contest. Even if he is loosing himself and Alethkar, at least he is achieving and buying time for the Radiants, also hoping that Kaladin and Ishar could do something to limit Odium influence.

  2. On 20/6/2021 at 5:23 AM, LuckyJim said:

    Yes, killing your nephew is horrible, but as a Radiant and the Stormfather's Bondsmith Dalinar has greater responsibilities than those to his family.

    I disagree, being a Radiant means acting with honor, as you perceive it.

    I cannot imagine Dalinar sacrificing any innocent live to achieve his goals, and this was pointed every time this very moral dilemma was discussed between Dalinar and Taravangiam (see the discussion about the story of the four hogmans from Nohadon paraboles).


  3. 46 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

    Yes, Kell is dead... and was Preservation (briefly) and is running the Ghostbloods and... There’s actually no good reason why he CAN’T pick up Autonomy. He’d be limited in power, but he could pick it up.

    I’m not so certain he’d WANT to though.

    More than Autonomy he would be perfect for Ambition, and i remember a WoB where Brandon said that Kel holding Ambition would be terrifyng.

  4. On 19/11/2020 at 5:41 AM, Jofwu said:

    The most interesting thing from that Oathbringer excerpt is Ivory's comment about the highspren. The order that "lived in death" rather than "ending in death". Curious if others have thoughts on what this might mean.

    What does it mean that the highspren "live in death"? Do they still? Just the spren who were alive before the capture of BAM? What about her capture caused them to die. Why did all the other Nahel spren choose to risk "ending" rather than "living in death"?

    Whatever the answer may be, I think Jasnah already knows.

    What if Ba-Ado-Mishram, being the "Spren" of Roshar (at some point corrupted by Odium), granted to all spren access to the Physical Realm, without undergoing the transition during which they lose most of their awareness? It could explain why they did not exepected death: at that point their only connection with the PR was the Nahel Bond, which they broke, resulting in their "deaths".

  5. I watched the Shardcast episode about the Part Two epigraphs earlier today and of the four new Shards, the one i am the most excited about is Valor. As it was said on the podcast, "valor" can be considered a very close concept to "honor", especially speaking about war and fighting: for example, in Italian, my mother language, the adjective "honorable" is most often traduced with "valoroso" which comes from "valore" (the Italian word for valor).

    My best guess is that Valor, as Intent, could be focused on concepts like fighting against adversities with bravery, with boldness even if it means fighting till death, but also considering existence as a sequences of challenges to overcome.

    It would be very nice to learn more about her history, her location and her stance about Odium in the past, but i think that we should probably wait up until Mistborn Era 4 or Dragonsteel (or a Silverlight novel maybe), but at least we know she is willing to discuss with Harmony and Hoid about doing something about Odium right now.

    As a final note, i've done a quick search on the internet about "Gods of valor" and some interesting results (from Wikipedia) are the following:

    • Nerio, an ancient Roman goddess of war and personification of valor often identified with Bellona or Minerva;
    • Montu, the Egyptian falcon-god of valor and war embodiment of the "conquering vitality of the pharoh";
    • Suwa Myōjin a japanes god, associated with war but also valor and loyalty and sometimes represented as a snake or even a dragon.

    Of course it would be wise to include in this list gods like Thor, Tyr, Ares/Mars and Athena/Minerva, even if the last two seem to me, more linked to other attributes than valor, like the chaos and cruelty for Ares, and rationality and wisdom for Athena.

    So what's your take about this Shard? Also, I'm really bad at figuring out plausible magic systems, so i would like to hear ideas about a possible Invested Art from Valor.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Honorless said:

    Hmm... maybe? Preservation did say something weird about a weapon he buried in Secret History. Lots of people thought he was just talking about the clues he'd buried but many people (including me) were/are suspicious of that line.

    Oh, i had completely forgotten that detail... Then it would completely made sense of that "weapon" being the 'SURVIVE' Dawnshard. Also, i think that my point of a Shard being not aware of a Dawnshard, does not stand up since Odium did not know of the one in Aimia.

    Also: not very bright of Leras mentioning hidden weapons in front of Kelsier...:D

  7. I don't know about Kelsier having a Dawnshard, but for sure alongside with Roshar, Scandrial could be a major candidate for having one: it could had been used to create the planet itself, and the multiple istances of "hearing" the 'SURVIVE' command could be considered clues. 

    A point that coul be against the presence of a Dawnshard on Scandrial, though, is that neither Preservation nor Ruin seem ever to acknowledge or hint at it, and i would find very strange one of them could use one without the other noticing. Also, if we consider, as many of us are doing on the forum, that groups of shards are attuned each to a single Dawnshard, Ruin most likely would be tied to the one Rysn found, the 'CHANGE' one, and so if indeed the 'SURVIVE' one was on Scandrial, why then Preservation didn't use it against Ruin? Did he really just kept it hidden? Or maybe, using it would have hindered his Grand Plan of having Preservation and Ruin merged into Harmony?

  8. On 8/9/2020 at 11:09 PM, Elsecaller_17.5 said:

     Chapter 10 hit me like I a storming boulder. I know how Kaladin feels, being told he can't serve anymore. Being lied to that his work will be just as important.  Most of all I have the same fear as Kaladin, what if he never swears the next oath?

    I've felt the same way as Kaladin very recently: enreasonably exhausted about what i do and convinced that i am impotent and that i am not in control of my life anymore. But actually these chapters have been kind of heartening, i've felt less alone and i am starting to feel a spark of hope about feeling better. I can not wait to read RoW and how Kaladin Journey will continue.

  9. 3 hours ago, Orlion the Platypus said:

    It's not worth it. 

    Back in yonder day, it was different and as a result inspired the next round of writers. 

    The thing about art, though, is that it tends to improve. Sword and sorcery novels now have better plots, writing, characters, etc. An angst ridden elf with an evil sword is nothing against all that. 

    Some works have a timeless quality. This isn't one of them. But if you must, just read Stormbringer.

    Good point, thanks.

  10. Many of my favourite fantasy authors, Brandon included, have pointed to the Elric of Melniboné (by Micheal Moorcock) saga as a source of inspiration, so some years ago i started the first novel, but i stopped reading it in the first half. I didn't finish it because i felt very confused by the continuous introduction of new worldbuilding elements and because the pace of the book seemed to me very slow. 

    Now i've found a complete edition of the saga in my native language (Italian), and i was tempted to give it another try, because i believe (from what i've heard about Elric character ) that the saga could give huge payoffs in the end and because maybe now i am a more expert fantasy reader and i could find it less difficult and less slow.

    Can you recommend this saga? Is the character of Elric as awesome as many have said?

  11. On 5/6/2020 at 11:55 PM, Eternal Khol said:


    Allomancy provides many very dramatic effects, which some have noted is not very much like Preservation. Could you walk me through how Allomancy is of Preservation, though it does dramatic, dynamic things?

    Brandon Sanderson

    One of the 'basics' of the magic in all of the worlds is that the energy of Shards can fuel all kinds of interactions, not just interactions based on their personality/role. I did this because otherwise, the Magics would all be extremely limited.

    The 'role' of the Shard has to do with the WAY the magic is obtained, not what it can do. So, in Preservation's case, the magic is a gift--allowing a person to preserve their own strength, and rely upon the strength granted by the magic. While Hemalurgy has a huge cost, ending in net entropy.

    /r/fantasy AMA 2011 (Aug. 31, 2011)

    So the powers granted by Prudence could have the purpose of making the user more cautios than normal, granting him the chance to walk in all situations as prepared as possible.

  12. I am completely on board with this theory, at least in its core assumption: Nohadon is still around in some fashion. In my opinion, the whole interaction between Dalinar and Nohadon in chapter 103 of OB is an evidence that Dalinar is interacting with something (probably a cognitive shadow) which fits perfectly the personality of the ancient king (from what we know from him). In the vision Nohadon tries to make Dalinar truly understand the meaning of the words "Journey before Destination", and also the real message behind the teachings of The Way of Kings (when he says that living by principles has a price that is balanced, even if it is hard to see the balance). To me this kind of discussion seems to be something that could come only from Nohadon himself, more than the cognitive shadow of Tanavast. 
    Another strong point to this theory, is the parallelism with the discussion between Spook and Kelsier, showed in Secret history: Kelsier is able to create a kind of "half dream", as he says, in which he comunicates with Spook, and he is able to do so because of the strong connection Spook had with him and also for the cracks in the spirit web Spook has (as Kelsier says 


    Smashed your spirit up pretty good. Lots of cracks. - Mistborn Secret History, Part Six, Chapter Six.

    All of this can be easily applied to Nohadon and Dalinar too.

  13. On 5/8/2019 at 9:58 PM, Karger said:

    He was not ready for a relationship with Tarah and he did not go for Shalladin the way the fans did.  He decided that Shallan had something good going with Adolin and messing it up was silly.

    I agree and he seems to be regretful about the way it ended with Tarah. I hope the'll meet again, i am invested a lot in a possible relationship between them.

  14. My biggest hope for a Kaladin relationship is Tarah. Even though we know little about her, it is evident the depth of Kaladin feelings for her (which, i think, are mutual) from the fact that she is able to prevent him to die on grief for Tien but also by the way he describes her (which to me is one of best romantic statements of the Cosmere :wub:).I believe she is the perfect match for him since she knows him very well and so she is not going to be influenced by his status as a Radiant .I really hope that she will reappear in Kaladin life sooner or later.

  15. Adolin is going to be the next vessel for Odium, based only on two clues:
    -at the end of WoR, Kaladin says to Moash that he don't want to be a man that kills someone in a dark alley only because of hate or contempt-> Adolin kills Sadeas in a dark alley only because of hate or contempt;
    - Adolin is going to be angry with Dalinar for the truth about Evi's death

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