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Bookish Ocelot

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Article Comments posted by Bookish Ocelot

  1. Theory time: (well, really more of something I found interesting)

    When Adolin is healed by renarin, he sees a vision of his perfect self. The truth watchers have a combination of Illumination and Progression. My thought is that progression and illumination combine to show the perfect self, and then bring the healed part over from that’s perfect self. Sort of like (massive Reckoners Spoiler) how


    Megan reincarnates via multiverse

    But wait, where are you gonna getting this from? Enlightenment was a big thing in the middle ages through the 1900s that referred to the achievement of perfect society through several principles. Enlightenment was also called illumination. Coincidence? I think not. 

    They could use illumination to find the perfect self, and then heal accordingly. This has limits- like how Kaladin couldn’t get tattoos because he didn’t see them as part of himself, or that his brands wouldn’t heal. 

    TL; DR Truthwatchers use spiritual illumination and physical progression to heal people. 

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