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Article Comments posted by prayingforsuperpowers

  1. On 1/11/2019 at 5:29 PM, Khyrindor said:

    Woooo I've been waiting for my questions to be discussed. Felt has definitely been under the radar, but he struck my interest after Oathbringer. I remember Brandon saying that people within house Venture being involved in the interplanetary trade through the Pits, so Felt was the connection I wanted to ask about. I got the impression that he may have been a Worldhopper before Era 1, but not for very long. I think that him being "a little older" than most people would point to him being enhanced in some way, otherwise there would be no need to say he's older. I just don't think he's centuries old. As you guys pointed out, this probably isn't due to Scadrian magic. After Era 1 Felt knew where he could get connections, maybe Seventeenth Shard or others.

    I thought I was the only one who noticed this - my Cosmere reading friends said I was crazy. 

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