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  1. First, can we stop talking about the sun now? I don't mean to insult the guy who started it since it was an honest question but its just completely implausible. Second, Bela as a mount for one of the Heroes of the Horn would have been awesome, but i feel it would have made a better end if she walked up to Rand as he was walking away from his funeral. A full circle kind a thing if you will. She started with him at the beginning of his journey and it would have been awesome if she took him to his next. If at all possible then I would love if Brandon made something of companion books to The Wheel of Time. Something like what happens when Mat and Tuon return to Seanchan, or when Oliver grows up. Just a thought but they're can be so many more stories in this land and I think it would it would be awesome if the land continued to grow.
  2. Loved the book, thought it had the perfect ending and you did a fantastic job. the Androl and Pevera chapters were my favorites. i hated how they was so few Mat chapters though. And why did Bela die? i almost cried at that part
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