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About pbs17

  • Birthday 03/20/1991

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  • Interests
    writing, reading, rock climbing, skiing, hiking

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  1. KiJ

    Happy Birthday!

  2. So... In an attempt to revive this discussion and not another argument, has anyone found any clues as to when Dalinar visited the Nightmother? I think whether or not he did it before or after Gavilar's assassination might help us figure a little more of the why.
  3. Hi, I'm a college student and an aspiring writer that does a lot more daydreaming and brainstorming than actual writing. I'm a huge fan of Brandon Sanderson and have been since I was introduced to his Mistborn series way back when. I've since read most of his other books an his cosmere idea blows my mind. It's taken me a while to connect with the whole fansite thing, but I'm hoping that I can put in some good thoughts and learn a little more about how all of his stories connect, and maybe even to get feedback from fellow aspiring writers.
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