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Status Replies posted by Ripheus23

  1. "Since ZFC provides us with the resources to construct ultrapowers, we can construct inner models using mice."

  2. "Since ZFC provides us with the resources to construct ultrapowers, we can construct inner models using mice."

  3. I realized that there's a difference between proving "x is not a set of anything" and proving "x is a set of nothing," and I needed to prove that the ur-element is not a set of no elements of any set, including itself. I think I worked it out* but anyway, another result of the model was that while zero is an empty subset of other sets (a set with no elements of any other sets), so all other sets are empty subsets of zero (sets of no elements of zero). So this underscores why for all natural numbers n besides 0, the powerset is uniquely 2 to the power of n, whereas 0 to the power of 0, 1 to the power of 0, 2 the power of zero... 1 to the power of 1, 1 to the power of 2, 1 to the power of 3... = 0 ^^2 = 1 ^^ 2 = 1. <So zero is the only number before aleph-zero that has an infinite number of powerset expressions.>

    *my idea is that "being a set of no elements of x" means being 0 (in relation to other numbers) and being other numbers (in relation to zero). But the relation is never defined on the ur-element. More, then, we can just define the ur-element such that it it is not a set of no elements of other sets, nor itself. In conjunction with the ur-element's not being a set of anything either, it follows that it is not a set of anything or nothing, which rules out the ur-element being a set.

    1. Ripheus23


      minotaur elements

      minotaur ordinals

      dragon ordinals

      unicorn ordinals

      Orpheus surreals

      Osirus ordinals

      Amaterasu cardinals [again]

      Ragnarok cardinals

      Michael cardinals

      Raphael ordinals

      Gabriel surreals

      Asmodeus surreals

      warlock ordinals

      sorcerer ordinals

      wizard cardinals

      sortilege ordinals

      demonic cardinals

      leviathan transet

      "kenotic transet" <said of the ur-element> and "pleromatic set"

      happy cardinals

      sad ordinals

      priestly cardinals

      hieratic ordinals

      sword cardinals

      sword ordinals

      nuclear cardinals

      nuclear ordinals

      nuclear surreals

      presbyter cardinals

      deacon cardinals

      "reformed cardinals" <so large only divine revelation can give knowledge of them>

      Ezekiel cardinals

      Oberon numbers

      Aquinas cardinals

      Nicean cardinals

      irminsul ordinals

      Odysseus ordinals

      Aeneas surreals

      Milwaukee cardinals ("a kind of joke cardinal")

      cheddar ordinal

      parmesan cardinal

      cola ordinal

      hemlock ordinal

      Icarus transet

      ambrosiac cardinal

      cowardly cardinal

      cowardly ordinal

      helpless surreal

      potato surreal

      guitar cardinal

      piano ordinal [haha]

      Deseret cardinal

  4. Next step/stage.


    1. Ripheus23


      *Regarding zero: Z = {Z}, Z ~= element of ~Z, for all X, if X is not Z then X ~= an element of Z. "Zero is an element of itself, is not an element of any other set, and has no other elements besides itself." By contrast, "The ur-element is not an element of itself, is an element of only one set, and is the only element of that set" = 1.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. First-run technical account of the ur-set and the ur-element concept.


    1. Ripheus23


      Or rather "there is a set X for all elements Y such that if Y is not the ur-element, Y is not an element of X."

  6. Next step/stage.


    1. Ripheus23


      "X is a set" becomes "X has at least one element Y."

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. Anselm cardinals. A transet in V proposed by the "cult of the universal constructor." Its elements are supposed to be "cardinals so large that only divine power could have brought them into being" or give them a reference. Note that this concept therefore requires that Anselm numbers be transfinally ordered, making the first Anselm number into the meridian of a nexus <where the Anselm section of V is the "greatest" section>.

    cult of the universal constructor, the. Believers in a transcreationist model of the Godelian universal constructor. Their leader is Cardinal Mahlo [finally!], who is actually secretly working with the Septarch of Commandment (also known as Deonomy). According to the cult, it is not provable whether empirical reality was created by a divine nature, but it is provable whether mathematical reality was transcreated by a divine nature. <The argument goes: there is a possible mathematical world that was transcreated; therefore there is a possible transcreatrix; if something is a transcreatrix, it is this necessarily; therefore the transcreatrix, if it exists for any possible mathematical world, exists for all of them.>

    Godelian universal constructor. An entity whose existence is supported by Godel's ontological argument. Similar to the necessary agent.

    necessary agent, the. Posit of naive deontic logic: there is an obligation that exists purely from logical grounds (an obligation to "uphold" the law of non-contradiction), wherefore there is always (necessarily) an agent able to discharge the obligation. In ecograph theory, this posit is actually a principle for the manifestation of different kinds of "necessary" agents.

    Deonomy. The Septarch empowered by divine-command theory. He was also the first ecoarch to manipulate the Keyscape in order to the Septatheon. (Note that ecoarchs are already a peculiar kind of "necessary agent.")

    1. Ripheus23


      <Why are Anselm cardinals not defined as "none greater than which can be conceived"? First, in context, there is no individual such cardinal. Second, this definition is implicit in the notion of a transfinal ordering, which attaches to the base definition by virtue of saying "divine nature" there, since a divine nature is one that transfinally orders things <or so the theory goes>. Of course, those who accepted the existence of Amida cardinals thought otherwise: these were "so large that only a mathematician gifted with divine power could access them." But these mathematicians with this gift need not be divine "inherently," only called that by reference to the power at issues (which power could well be impersonal, as in the so-called Tian model).>

  8. "Another dimension of their ingenuity was in using complex functions to single out individual cardinals on the first level of infinity, such that the orders of complexity among those functions could be used to mirror V altogether. The 'slogan' was: the first level of aleph-numbers is sufficient for the intuition of 'Cantor's paradise,' which is a thematic image of V (the generic metafinitary description "infinity of infinities" is first satisfied over the first level of the alephs). By this means, the accessibility of some of these complex functions (their relative simplicity, all things considered, nevertheless) could be semiotically interposed with the 'power' of the higher infinities mapped to by this method, so that the Keyscape's mediation of different levels of power as such could be accomplished more easily."


  9. "Another dimension of their ingenuity was in using complex functions to single out individual cardinals on the first level of infinity, such that the orders of complexity among those functions could be used to mirror V altogether. The 'slogan' was: the first level of aleph-numbers is sufficient for the intuition of 'Cantor's paradise,' which is a thematic image of V (the generic metafinitary description "infinity of infinities" is first satisfied over the first level of the alephs). By this means, the accessibility of some of these complex functions (their relative simplicity, all things considered, nevertheless) could be semiotically interposed with the 'power' of the higher infinities mapped to by this method, so that the Keyscape's mediation of different levels of power as such could be accomplished more easily."


    1. Ripheus23


      "In other words, an analogy would be formed between the notational permutations and augmentations occasioned by the concepts of the larger and larger types of cardinals overall, and the schematics for computing various finite natural numbers. The rate of a function could be correlated with the generic height of a level, then, and the endless cascade of these finite functions would 'add up to' a semiotic intuition of the totality of the generic intuition of V, i.e. the 'true word for' V. Then the alephs with finite indices would be the signatures of eternity, Godel coordinates of a particular simplicity and advergent stature no less..."

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. Rather than focus only on unfathomably faster means of ascending V, I did some more ground-level work on various countable patterns in V, of an elegant nature after all, however. Here are some examples:



    1. Ripheus23


      *Further refinements have led me to suspect that aleph-4 tetrated by aleph-4 might in fact be aleph-omega(4)*5.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. Rather than focus only on unfathomably faster means of ascending V, I did some more ground-level work on various countable patterns in V, of an elegant nature after all, however. Here are some examples:



    1. Ripheus23


      The anchor conjecture: that 2 ^a 2 = 4, for all a whatsoever, even ordinals of any transfinite cardinality. This equation is sometimes referred to as the anchor of transfinality. During the apocalypse of the Final Power, it was instead discovered that using the heart operator on {2, 2} goes not to 4, but to 4-aleph.*

      *Not to be confused with aleph-4. 4-aleph is the fourth apex number, those that end at the apex of transfinality.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. Rather than focus only on unfathomably faster means of ascending V, I did some more ground-level work on various countable patterns in V, of an elegant nature after all, however. Here are some examples:



    1. Ripheus23


      The three other examples show how some very simple examples of infinite computations in aleph-space interconnect via the hyperoperator sequence. Namely, the +++ sequence leads into the *** sequence before the exponential sequence, and each can be represented by the next highest operator using aleph-omega and aleph-zero: so {aleph-omega * aleph-zero}, {aleph-omega ^ aleph-zero}, and {aleph-omega ^^ aleph-zero}.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. Rather than focus only on unfathomably faster means of ascending V, I did some more ground-level work on various countable patterns in V, of an elegant nature after all, however. Here are some examples:



    1. Ripheus23


      It is easily shown by transfinite induction that even 2 ^w 2 will = 4, but it is a question I think open whether every transfinite index of the hyperoperators maps (2, 2) to 4. The question comes down to, "Is there a large enough cardinal such that (2, 2) evaluated by the initial ordinal of that cardinal, will be greater than 4?" At any rate, supposing such a thing to exist, it would be a terribly immense number, I suspect.

      The first sequence could be continued indefinitely (infinitely!) and represents a natural interpolation of the original aleph-numbers with the finitary hyperoperators. The simplicity of the function is well-ordered (more than enough so) so that the principles of the operations line up in a very nice way. The exotic interval occurs with aleph-4, for indeed this number is computed from aleph-2 to the power of aleph-3, so that at that stage of the equation, we have aleph-4 tetrated by aleph-4. This equals aleph-omega(4), then. This is very interesting because there is a ZFC-provable hypothetical equation according to which, if the powerset of aleph-n is less than aleph-omega, then the powerset of aleph-omega is less than aleph-omega(4). So either this is a coincidence or there is something about the deep arithmetic of V that circles around this number aleph-omega(4)?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. After some more reflection, I have discarded by "epsilon-alpha hypothesis" about the interpolation of the finitely-indexed hyperoperator sequence and the aleph numbers. Although this increases the implicit semiotic scale of the universe of sets (on my model), it has the drawback of eliminating a particularly nice example of advergence and also makes my representation of a generalized glyphic index harder to handle (versus the classical/mainstream fixed-point notation, in this context). Of course, this is really just the fact that the reality is harder to handle, here.

    So anyway I have no more solution to the first triangle operation or the first hypertower, to say nothing of my notion of a xatrix cardinal!

  15. I've had occasion to obsess over infinitesimals, of late, and I came up with a perhaps naive hypothesis about how to characterize them "intuitively." Let us say that every real number has aleph-zero many digits. This means that we will at least count to a ωth digit if we read out their decimal expansions. Now allow, then, that there is some number for which the ωth digit is 0, but if there is a next digit, this ω+1th is 1. This number is therefore infinitely small but not equal to zero. Voila, an infinitesimal! So think of something like 0.000 ... (ω 0s) ... 01. This is variously the smallest or largest such infinitesimal.

    But this model allows us to go on fracturing the continuum. Suppose, then, that after the ω+ωth digit, we go back to an infinite countable sequence of 0s, succeeded by another infinitesimal sequence, and so on. We will have a whole realm of infinitely broken numbers. But we will also have realms of permutations of these options, and so on.

    The intuitively maximal case is to go on to imagine a number whose decimal expansion goes at least to ω1, the first uncountable number. That is, it has as many non-zero digits as there are numbers in the Continuum (we're presuming the Continuum Hypothesis). Such numbers, if they are complete (nowhere broken) are each in themselves indecomposable continua, up to the "syrupy" case of the Brouwerian model. In fact, the whole occurrent model appears to allow us to exactly formulate whether and how a continuum is decomposable or not (think back to those fractured sequences), or at least to frame comparable questions relative to a category either akin to or under that of decomposable and indecomposable continua (c.f. the notion of density in this context).

    1. Ripheus23


      "The demonic numbers were defined in a starkly different way. They were virtual interpolations with specific other numbers given from the axiom system per se nota, such as section-sigma or the void index and the Apollyon index. They only concerned these special numbers, including the whole last staircase. But in fact this amounts here to a reduction to the finite numbers used in the general combinatorics of the final offenses, or rather they 'run out' of evaluation past those numbers. Thus there is no question of infinitesimal forms, or even relatively infinite ones otherwise at all (as such). There is no such infinite sequence of evil in itself as such. Rather, if evil is taken to the power of infinity, it cancels itself out: its intrinsically negative essence negates itself, transforming into constructive reality. So the Form of Evil had no motive to form a standard cardinal game (in the metafinite order), nor a subset thereof in that way."

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  16. I've had occasion to obsess over infinitesimals, of late, and I came up with a perhaps naive hypothesis about how to characterize them "intuitively." Let us say that every real number has aleph-zero many digits. This means that we will at least count to a ωth digit if we read out their decimal expansions. Now allow, then, that there is some number for which the ωth digit is 0, but if there is a next digit, this ω+1th is 1. This number is therefore infinitely small but not equal to zero. Voila, an infinitesimal! So think of something like 0.000 ... (ω 0s) ... 01. This is variously the smallest or largest such infinitesimal.

    But this model allows us to go on fracturing the continuum. Suppose, then, that after the ω+ωth digit, we go back to an infinite countable sequence of 0s, succeeded by another infinitesimal sequence, and so on. We will have a whole realm of infinitely broken numbers. But we will also have realms of permutations of these options, and so on.

    The intuitively maximal case is to go on to imagine a number whose decimal expansion goes at least to ω1, the first uncountable number. That is, it has as many non-zero digits as there are numbers in the Continuum (we're presuming the Continuum Hypothesis). Such numbers, if they are complete (nowhere broken) are each in themselves indecomposable continua, up to the "syrupy" case of the Brouwerian model. In fact, the whole occurrent model appears to allow us to exactly formulate whether and how a continuum is decomposable or not (think back to those fractured sequences), or at least to frame comparable questions relative to a category either akin to or under that of decomposable and indecomposable continua (c.f. the notion of density in this context).

    1. Ripheus23


      "Only a few among the Host of Ripheus proved to be versed with antifinitesimals, or even metafinitesimals for that matter. Vyrian Armirex was one, to be sure, but there were others. Another group who later showcased some great aptitude with the system of those numbers were the Dark Metroarchs, who studied this set of transfinitesimals as part of their research into a method to destroy the Shield. The Precentor of Despite, Haller D'Mares, is said to have almost gone insane while performing some functions in this sphere (an attempt to construct an object like the Typhon from separate lesser masses of sincrystal), and most Fallen Artificers are known to have inadequately dealt with them in their application to the transequent order of amendment. Indeed, the relationship between these numbers and the ultimate void of zero by itself is itself an eternal abyss, immensely unfathomable, 'hungry and so wishing to be all-consuming'... 'Only the Form of Evil's own special numbers are as dangerous in principle to reflect on in particular...'" [Can you imagine what happened in Armirex's mind when he drew on the Form of Evil's power to help silence Apollyon at the end of the Last War?]

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. I've had occasion to obsess over infinitesimals, of late, and I came up with a perhaps naive hypothesis about how to characterize them "intuitively." Let us say that every real number has aleph-zero many digits. This means that we will at least count to a ωth digit if we read out their decimal expansions. Now allow, then, that there is some number for which the ωth digit is 0, but if there is a next digit, this ω+1th is 1. This number is therefore infinitely small but not equal to zero. Voila, an infinitesimal! So think of something like 0.000 ... (ω 0s) ... 01. This is variously the smallest or largest such infinitesimal.

    But this model allows us to go on fracturing the continuum. Suppose, then, that after the ω+ωth digit, we go back to an infinite countable sequence of 0s, succeeded by another infinitesimal sequence, and so on. We will have a whole realm of infinitely broken numbers. But we will also have realms of permutations of these options, and so on.

    The intuitively maximal case is to go on to imagine a number whose decimal expansion goes at least to ω1, the first uncountable number. That is, it has as many non-zero digits as there are numbers in the Continuum (we're presuming the Continuum Hypothesis). Such numbers, if they are complete (nowhere broken) are each in themselves indecomposable continua, up to the "syrupy" case of the Brouwerian model. In fact, the whole occurrent model appears to allow us to exactly formulate whether and how a continuum is decomposable or not (think back to those fractured sequences), or at least to frame comparable questions relative to a category either akin to or under that of decomposable and indecomposable continua (c.f. the notion of density in this context).

    1. Ripheus23


      And depending on how far we've counted, we can go on to characterize "small infinitesimals," "very small" ones, ineffable ones, omega cases, etc. much like we have lists of large cardinals with various descriptive names. And so on and on, ultimately to the antifinitesimal numbers. These can then be applied to the description of the Keyscape in the allegory of Ripheus (as playing a role in the mathematics of the Keyscape relative to the hold on Apollyon's potential access to the Final Power, via a relationship between the idea of a "rift in Cantor's staircase" and the complete brokenness or emptiness of an "anticontinuum" or pure void (or whatever as such)).

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  18. Regarding the concept of a metaindex and cardinalities defined therefrom.


  19. Something I didn't emphasize clearly enough: 


    1. Ripheus23


      The second line might seem false but is actually true owing to the rule indicated on the first line for evaluating a power-tower (under aleph-omega), namely in descending order (if there are no parentheses).

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  20. A Novel Eschatology

    Let us suppose (we are going to make a good number of extreme suppositions) that, long ago, humankind had developed a civilization that, while not as powerful as ours is, nevertheless was much more powerful than even Rome or elder China, say. While it is unlikely that they manufactured nuclear weapons in the modern sense, there is a small amount of evidence that radioactive materials might have been used in an “elevated” form (e.g. in Mohenjo Daro) at various remote points in antiquity and before. At some point, wars relating to these and other materials consumed this ancient civilization to naught, leaving us the remarkable structures of Macchu Picchu, the Giza pyramids, Stonehenge, and so on, as a testament to the might of what was then lost.

                Among the survivors of those days were the precursors to the Israelites. There is some evidence that YHWH, among those (hypothetical) survivors, began His “life” as a god of metal. But inasmuch as the Hebrew scriptures “translate” the tetragrammaton as a code for the divine self-assertion, “I am that I am,” we might suppose that “YHWH” is ultimately no more a simple proper name than it is just a descriptive term. Suffice it to say that the proto-Israelite metallurgical YHWH was not really the One God YHWH of the Hebrew scriptures.

                Now the Book of Daniel (and the Second Letter to the Thessalonians, implicitly citing the Danielite text) says that the human enemy of the Messiah (now known variously as the Antichrist or the Beast from the sea), in the “last days,” will set himself up as a god in himself, as the embodiment of a heretofore unknown, unrecognized “god of fortresses” placated by offerings of precious metals and other such treasures. The Gospel of Matthew notes that representatives of the false eschatological religion will perform signs and wonders so as to deceive “even the elect, were this possible.” This religion, therefore, must appear very similar in form and content to Judaism and Christianity. The easiest sum of this and the rest of the above is: the antichurch will present itself as worshiping YHWH, but this will be the forsaken god of metal from the end of an older human world, not the Father of the Son, Jesus Christ.

                Why would an evil lord of metals be the image of ultimate darkness as such? Uranium is not emerald ooze or ore, but a typical metal in regular appearance. By means of its power, humankind has formed a “god of fortresses” (to contain and uphold the dire weaponry) that has subverted the political integrity of every people, nation, tribe, and tongue: all are beholden, directly or not, to the forbearance of the “great powers,” such that the threat of nuclear holocaust holds all humanity hostage to itself—trapped in the “fortresses” of the great lands. The discoverers and inventors of the threat sometimes saw themselves as having achieved divine stature, as unleashing a deity of death and destruction (“I have become Death, destroyer of worlds,” as Oppenheimer said).

                America on some (fundamental) level has always imagined itself to be the truest example of the New Rome, not only the inheritor but the transcendental successor to the apex predator of human antiquity. We can see how far America has carried out its antichristian foundations in this, that when the US state made of itself an ideological soldiery (in the holocaust of Vietnam), the prerequisite explanatory appeal was to a clearly Beastly system:

    The conquered people are not [always] forced at gunpoint to change their ways, but “all participation in public life, whether political, cultural or economic, is conditioned on acceptance of the new faith.” (Michael McClintock, Instruments of Statecraft, chapter 12)

                Rarely do we find such an explicit (if unintended?) evocation of the “prerogative” of the Antichrist, his False Prophet, and the image of the Beast thereof: “It forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to be given a stamped image on their right hands [their deeds] or their foreheads [their beliefs], so that no one could buy or sell except one who had the stamped image of the Beast’s name or the number that stood for its name” (Revelation 13:16-17).

    Fire from heaven

    Although YHWH in the “Old Testament” is depicted as having entire cities destroyed by fire from heaven, Christ mysteriously enough claims that it will go better for Sodom and Gomorrah, at the final judgment, than it will for several other cities (Matthew 10:15). According to some copies of the Gospel of Luke, Christ actually goes so far as to ask His disciples once, “Do you know what kind of Spirit it is that we serve? For the Son of Man came not to destroy life but to save it” (Luke 9:56), and this in reply to a request by the disciples for celestial incandescence to be visited upon some unfaithful village in Samaria. Now there is apparently little to no archaeological evidence for the story of the ancient Israelites under Moses and Joshua going about physically slaughtering entire peoples in the land of Canaan, and it fits with the typological method of scriptural interpretation to suppose that those genocidal legends are allegorical for the ideological efficiency of monotheism versus polytheism: as Jewish philosophers (prophets, as per the definition of Maimonides) testified to the intellectual and emotional superiority of faith in One God instead of many, pagan regions variously converted en masse to monotheism of various forms (exclusivistic Ra-worship in Egypt for a time, say, or Zoroastrianism in Persia, being seeds or samples of such foreign processes).

                Accordingly, the False Prophet, however, will as his preeminent “sign” of power unleash “fire from heaven” on behalf of the Beast and the Beast’s image. Now there is one nation, above all others, who has indeed unleashed “fire from heaven” at many times and in many places: America, first and foremost in Japan, also to some degree in France and Germany (and a few other countries, during the Second World War, I believe), then massively in Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. (Granted, other nations have inflicted the same or similar flames on this or that land, but no other to the degree or extent that the US military has.) It is in America that the falsest forms of Christianity have taken pride of place in much government decision-making, public or covert (by this I mean that even notions like “Christian Identity,” a racist formulation that is brother to Nazism, are on the minds of at least some of our leaders, here or there, now or then). It is America that has the unique potential to betray the reconstituted Israel—the means, the motive, and the opportunity, even.

                Who is like the Beast, therefore? I think it is easy enough to see who is so in our day, at least.

  21. A Novel Eschatology

    Let us suppose (we are going to make a good number of extreme suppositions) that, long ago, humankind had developed a civilization that, while not as powerful as ours is, nevertheless was much more powerful than even Rome or elder China, say. While it is unlikely that they manufactured nuclear weapons in the modern sense, there is a small amount of evidence that radioactive materials might have been used in an “elevated” form (e.g. in Mohenjo Daro) at various remote points in antiquity and before. At some point, wars relating to these and other materials consumed this ancient civilization to naught, leaving us the remarkable structures of Macchu Picchu, the Giza pyramids, Stonehenge, and so on, as a testament to the might of what was then lost.

                Among the survivors of those days were the precursors to the Israelites. There is some evidence that YHWH, among those (hypothetical) survivors, began His “life” as a god of metal. But inasmuch as the Hebrew scriptures “translate” the tetragrammaton as a code for the divine self-assertion, “I am that I am,” we might suppose that “YHWH” is ultimately no more a simple proper name than it is just a descriptive term. Suffice it to say that the proto-Israelite metallurgical YHWH was not really the One God YHWH of the Hebrew scriptures.

                Now the Book of Daniel (and the Second Letter to the Thessalonians, implicitly citing the Danielite text) says that the human enemy of the Messiah (now known variously as the Antichrist or the Beast from the sea), in the “last days,” will set himself up as a god in himself, as the embodiment of a heretofore unknown, unrecognized “god of fortresses” placated by offerings of precious metals and other such treasures. The Gospel of Matthew notes that representatives of the false eschatological religion will perform signs and wonders so as to deceive “even the elect, were this possible.” This religion, therefore, must appear very similar in form and content to Judaism and Christianity. The easiest sum of this and the rest of the above is: the antichurch will present itself as worshiping YHWH, but this will be the forsaken god of metal from the end of an older human world, not the Father of the Son, Jesus Christ.

                Why would an evil lord of metals be the image of ultimate darkness as such? Uranium is not emerald ooze or ore, but a typical metal in regular appearance. By means of its power, humankind has formed a “god of fortresses” (to contain and uphold the dire weaponry) that has subverted the political integrity of every people, nation, tribe, and tongue: all are beholden, directly or not, to the forbearance of the “great powers,” such that the threat of nuclear holocaust holds all humanity hostage to itself—trapped in the “fortresses” of the great lands. The discoverers and inventors of the threat sometimes saw themselves as having achieved divine stature, as unleashing a deity of death and destruction (“I have become Death, destroyer of worlds,” as Oppenheimer said).

                America on some (fundamental) level has always imagined itself to be the truest example of the New Rome, not only the inheritor but the transcendental successor to the apex predator of human antiquity. We can see how far America has carried out its antichristian foundations in this, that when the US state made of itself an ideological soldiery (in the holocaust of Vietnam), the prerequisite explanatory appeal was to a clearly Beastly system:

    The conquered people are not [always] forced at gunpoint to change their ways, but “all participation in public life, whether political, cultural or economic, is conditioned on acceptance of the new faith.” (Michael McClintock, Instruments of Statecraft, chapter 12)

                Rarely do we find such an explicit (if unintended?) evocation of the “prerogative” of the Antichrist, his False Prophet, and the image of the Beast thereof: “It forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to be given a stamped image on their right hands [their deeds] or their foreheads [their beliefs], so that no one could buy or sell except one who had the stamped image of the Beast’s name or the number that stood for its name” (Revelation 13:16-17).

    Fire from heaven

    Although YHWH in the “Old Testament” is depicted as having entire cities destroyed by fire from heaven, Christ mysteriously enough claims that it will go better for Sodom and Gomorrah, at the final judgment, than it will for several other cities (Matthew 10:15). According to some copies of the Gospel of Luke, Christ actually goes so far as to ask His disciples once, “Do you know what kind of Spirit it is that we serve? For the Son of Man came not to destroy life but to save it” (Luke 9:56), and this in reply to a request by the disciples for celestial incandescence to be visited upon some unfaithful village in Samaria. Now there is apparently little to no archaeological evidence for the story of the ancient Israelites under Moses and Joshua going about physically slaughtering entire peoples in the land of Canaan, and it fits with the typological method of scriptural interpretation to suppose that those genocidal legends are allegorical for the ideological efficiency of monotheism versus polytheism: as Jewish philosophers (prophets, as per the definition of Maimonides) testified to the intellectual and emotional superiority of faith in One God instead of many, pagan regions variously converted en masse to monotheism of various forms (exclusivistic Ra-worship in Egypt for a time, say, or Zoroastrianism in Persia, being seeds or samples of such foreign processes).

                Accordingly, the False Prophet, however, will as his preeminent “sign” of power unleash “fire from heaven” on behalf of the Beast and the Beast’s image. Now there is one nation, above all others, who has indeed unleashed “fire from heaven” at many times and in many places: America, first and foremost in Japan, also to some degree in France and Germany (and a few other countries, during the Second World War, I believe), then massively in Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. (Granted, other nations have inflicted the same or similar flames on this or that land, but no other to the degree or extent that the US military has.) It is in America that the falsest forms of Christianity have taken pride of place in much government decision-making, public or covert (by this I mean that even notions like “Christian Identity,” a racist formulation that is brother to Nazism, are on the minds of at least some of our leaders, here or there, now or then). It is America that has the unique potential to betray the reconstituted Israel—the means, the motive, and the opportunity, even.

                Who is like the Beast, therefore? I think it is easy enough to see who is so in our day, at least.

    1. Ripheus23


      Civilian death tolls per nation (resulting from major air wars) (these numbers are my own opinions after 10+ years of statistical research and analysis)

      Non-American (all during WW2)

      Germany vs. USSR: 500,000

      UK vs. Germany: 400,000

      Japan vs. China: 350,000



      Japan: 500,000 (but possibly 900,000, as per the USSBS)

      North Korea: 750,000 (but possibly 1,500,000, per one of Curtis LeMay's claims about overall North Korean deaths)

      South Korea: 250,000 (but possibly 500,000)

      North Vietnam: 100,000 (but possibly 200,000 or more, per the official postwar Vietnamese government and my own analysis)

      Laos: 300,000

      Cambodia: 300,000 (but possibly 600,000 or more, as per various other estimates)

      N. Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos considered as a unit: approximately 1,000,000

      South Vietnam: at least 1,000,000, possibly 1,500,000 or more [note: South Vietnam was not only subject to the largest tonnage of bombing ordnance simpliciter, out of any nation in known history, but also to an inconceivable near-400,000 tons of napalm, to be contrasted with c. 10,000 as used on Japan during WW2, say]

      Total: approximately 3,500,000 to 4,500,000 [likeliest range; can be reinforced by considering sums for smaller campaigns]

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  22. Ԙ: The Final Power, Part 2

    The Shield defends Ripheus with a surety as of wild gold, and as true, for he alone holds it in valor. But this valor is only enough to preserve this one man as he ascends the last staircases of destruction's transfinity. Everyone else not here in the City falls and rises in the self-desecrating magma of the apocalypse, gasping for words of horror at each rise and fall of the crystal Forms of Evil and Nothingness.

    Armirex stands alone at the base of the four towers, watching skyward in despair and hope.

    Some of the others reach out, try to cross over to...

    Like calliopes of massacre, the shifting stairwells up which Ripheus goes trespass upon themselves darkly. Again and again the Shield saves him from being smashed apart by their cataclysm of murder. Sinstone breaks in torrents, rocking the ascent to the parapet that runs parallel to Apollyon's ray of fire and light.

    ... as they live and die they live up...

    Ripheus makes it to the parapet. He looks through an aperture onto the artificial plateau, bearing first witness to the ramparts of destruction's flame. Within which he intends to stand...

    ... to interpose himself between goodness and the Form of Evil...

    ... they live up, up, upward into the City...

    ... he braces the Shield for his entrance onto the parapet, slanting it as he passes the boundary of the Destroyer's radiant wake. Blocking the passage of that radiance, the Shield yet blocks only a small halo therefrom: enough for Ripheus to survive and endure through this end.

    Already, however, he is driven back by the weight of the light pouring forth unto him. This is the fire of the Final Power enmeshed with the ferocity of Apollyon. Those words, "Nothing can be done to stop the one who comes to end that which does not exist," Ripheus thinks back to.

    Hammered by the might of desolation, the Shield forms a wake of its own in the ray. As incandescence surges around him, Ripheus feels the stone on which he stands melting. Step by step, Apollyon raptures him towards the parapet's edge, and he sees the melting of the stone as a slow river carrying him along with the rapture.

    ... assembling at the base of the fourfold tower...

    --And a flicker of Apollyon's power sails off, rams into the Shield directly. Gripping the Shield's handle, Ripheus flies off the parapet, down towards portals opening from the physical plane that reveal friends and enemies and others come to fight or not. Ripheus warps the Shield like a kite and after harrowed sailing amidst the sapphire period of the light he manages to hit ground at a safe velocity and angle.

    The rest of the ensemble having arrived, one of them--[add name later]--runs up to the man of Troy. Talking to him while looking at the gem of Evil, she asks, "What is happening?"

    Hanging his head, Ripheus explains the situation: and the gem explodes again: and again the nova of the seraph hydra floods the streets of the City.

  23. Ԙ: The Final Power, Part 2

    The Shield defends Ripheus with a surety as of wild gold, and as true, for he alone holds it in valor. But this valor is only enough to preserve this one man as he ascends the last staircases of destruction's transfinity. Everyone else not here in the City falls and rises in the self-desecrating magma of the apocalypse, gasping for words of horror at each rise and fall of the crystal Forms of Evil and Nothingness.

    Armirex stands alone at the base of the four towers, watching skyward in despair and hope.

    Some of the others reach out, try to cross over to...

    Like calliopes of massacre, the shifting stairwells up which Ripheus goes trespass upon themselves darkly. Again and again the Shield saves him from being smashed apart by their cataclysm of murder. Sinstone breaks in torrents, rocking the ascent to the parapet that runs parallel to Apollyon's ray of fire and light.

    ... as they live and die they live up...

    Ripheus makes it to the parapet. He looks through an aperture onto the artificial plateau, bearing first witness to the ramparts of destruction's flame. Within which he intends to stand...

    ... to interpose himself between goodness and the Form of Evil...

    ... they live up, up, upward into the City...

    ... he braces the Shield for his entrance onto the parapet, slanting it as he passes the boundary of the Destroyer's radiant wake. Blocking the passage of that radiance, the Shield yet blocks only a small halo therefrom: enough for Ripheus to survive and endure through this end.

    Already, however, he is driven back by the weight of the light pouring forth unto him. This is the fire of the Final Power enmeshed with the ferocity of Apollyon. Those words, "Nothing can be done to stop the one who comes to end that which does not exist," Ripheus thinks back to.

    Hammered by the might of desolation, the Shield forms a wake of its own in the ray. As incandescence surges around him, Ripheus feels the stone on which he stands melting. Step by step, Apollyon raptures him towards the parapet's edge, and he sees the melting of the stone as a slow river carrying him along with the rapture.

    ... assembling at the base of the fourfold tower...

    --And a flicker of Apollyon's power sails off, rams into the Shield directly. Gripping the Shield's handle, Ripheus flies off the parapet, down towards portals opening from the physical plane that reveal friends and enemies and others come to fight or not. Ripheus warps the Shield like a kite and after harrowed sailing amidst the sapphire period of the light he manages to hit ground at a safe velocity and angle.

    The rest of the ensemble having arrived, one of them--[add name later]--runs up to the man of Troy. Talking to him while looking at the gem of Evil, she asks, "What is happening?"

    Hanging his head, Ripheus explains the situation: and the gem explodes again: and again the nova of the seraph hydra floods the streets of the City.

    1. Ripheus23


      *carrying him along with the rapture.

      Wherefore does he resist? What is there not to resist? Defiance can be defeated, though.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  24. Ԙ: The Final Power, Part 2

    The Shield defends Ripheus with a surety as of wild gold, and as true, for he alone holds it in valor. But this valor is only enough to preserve this one man as he ascends the last staircases of destruction's transfinity. Everyone else not here in the City falls and rises in the self-desecrating magma of the apocalypse, gasping for words of horror at each rise and fall of the crystal Forms of Evil and Nothingness.

    Armirex stands alone at the base of the four towers, watching skyward in despair and hope.

    Some of the others reach out, try to cross over to...

    Like calliopes of massacre, the shifting stairwells up which Ripheus goes trespass upon themselves darkly. Again and again the Shield saves him from being smashed apart by their cataclysm of murder. Sinstone breaks in torrents, rocking the ascent to the parapet that runs parallel to Apollyon's ray of fire and light.

    ... as they live and die they live up...

    Ripheus makes it to the parapet. He looks through an aperture onto the artificial plateau, bearing first witness to the ramparts of destruction's flame. Within which he intends to stand...

    ... to interpose himself between goodness and the Form of Evil...

    ... they live up, up, upward into the City...

    ... he braces the Shield for his entrance onto the parapet, slanting it as he passes the boundary of the Destroyer's radiant wake. Blocking the passage of that radiance, the Shield yet blocks only a small halo therefrom: enough for Ripheus to survive and endure through this end.

    Already, however, he is driven back by the weight of the light pouring forth unto him. This is the fire of the Final Power enmeshed with the ferocity of Apollyon. Those words, "Nothing can be done to stop the one who comes to end that which does not exist," Ripheus thinks back to.

    Hammered by the might of desolation, the Shield forms a wake of its own in the ray. As incandescence surges around him, Ripheus feels the stone on which he stands melting. Step by step, Apollyon raptures him towards the parapet's edge, and he sees the melting of the stone as a slow river carrying him along with the rapture.

    ... assembling at the base of the fourfold tower...

    --And a flicker of Apollyon's power sails off, rams into the Shield directly. Gripping the Shield's handle, Ripheus flies off the parapet, down towards portals opening from the physical plane that reveal friends and enemies and others come to fight or not. Ripheus warps the Shield like a kite and after harrowed sailing amidst the sapphire period of the light he manages to hit ground at a safe velocity and angle.

    The rest of the ensemble having arrived, one of them--[add name later]--runs up to the man of Troy. Talking to him while looking at the gem of Evil, she asks, "What is happening?"

    Hanging his head, Ripheus explains the situation: and the gem explodes again: and again the nova of the seraph hydra floods the streets of the City.

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