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Article Comments posted by Intub8or

  1. So theory on the resonance is that it is opposite of the surges. The windrunners surges deal with nature and their resonance people. I think the Skybreakers surges deal with people and their resonance will be with nature. Dustbringers nature and their resonance will deal with people and so on around the ring. 

  2. Let me help with the blood clotting. I have been an icu rn for several years. You have maybe up to 2 hours before the blood is separating on it’s own, I would say closer to an hour. When we are giving blood there are things the blood bank adds to the blood to stop it from clotting. That’s why it’s given with normal saline. But if I use lactated ringers instead of normal saline, there is a thing in the lactated ringers called citrate that will undo what the blood bank has added. With the citrate undoing what the blood bank did, the blood can clot just in the space from the blood bag through the in tubing to the patient. So if there is nothing to stop it from clotting, the blood will clot quickly. 

  3. What if the Aimia kept the dawnshards and the last group of radients were denied access? This could be a worthiness issue that is referenced. And the radients tried to force their way to them which caused the scouring and wounded the Sibling.

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