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Status Updates posted by Rhoran

  1. I was swamped for 1 1/2 hours tonight.

  2. Come January, I will be taking comedy writing classes at Second City so I can write my feature film!

  3. Just sniped an eBay product. My heart was racing.

  4. To my followers, sorry for that tweet spam. I'm trying to organize something.

  5. Saw The Hobbit last night. It was incredible! So glad I marathoned the original trilogy first. I loved all the throwbacks.

  6. Just heard about the school shooting. I feel so bad for all those families.

  7. "I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas" is my favorite non-religious Christmas song.

  8. If old hardware is still probable for the new Smash Bros., I want Virtual Boy to be a playable character.

  9. Have I ever mentioned that I think Taylor Swift is hot? Because I do.

  10. Derpy made a cameo in my dream last night.

  11. Because the way Extra Credits talks about it makes it sound boring.

  12. The amount of stress I feel right now is through the roof.

  13. Finally got around to updating my avatar. Thanks for the 8-Bit Cartographer, @Kirbopher!

  14. It seems like the secret to a good lets play is to talk over important tutorials, blatantly miss key points, and get lost on easy parts.

  15. Finished Arrested Development. It fell apart at the end, but I still loved it. Really curious about how the new season is going to turn out.

  16. I don't think anything will ever come close to H*R's complex web of self-referential humor and running jokes.

  17. I work 56.5 hours next week.

  18. "Boy, I sure do miss Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and the Big Bopper-HEY REMEMBER HOW GREAT HIGH SCHOOL WAS?!" -How American Pie was written

  19. Finally saw A Christmas Story. So freaking hilarious! #Youllshootyoureyeout

  20. The Gamer's Atlas Panel approved for ACen 2013! Everybody come and see!

  21. Having a real theme song for The Gamer's Atlas makes me feel really legitimate. Thanks, Chase!

  22. Marathoning LOTR today with Tyler!

  23. Using my day off of work to shoot an episode of The Gamer's Atlas. #Dedication

  24. Just picked up the senior thesis short film I edited on DVD! Sadly, it has to be 2 years until I can post it online... http://t.co/mLNimPjp

  25. Wow! Code Geass is so good!

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