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Posts posted by VeilSpren

  1. 38 minutes ago, Gancho Libre said:

    Isn't algorithm a synonym of equation? maybe not... I meant equation.

    Granted. However, bursts of this strange buoyancy come randomly, as determined by your archnemesis.

    I wish my archnemesis lived in the St. Louis Arch.

    Algorithm: a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.

    Equation: a statement that the values of two mathematical expressions are equal (indicated by the sign =).

    Granted but now you live there too. 

    I wish for stamina

  2. 50 minutes ago, MistGyorn said:

    Welcome to the group. I love Stormlight as well. My favorite character besides Khaladin is probably Adolin.

    Adolin is pretty awesome. I hope he becomes a Radiant in the next book!


  3. 15 hours ago, AonEne said:

    I've read that! It's really good. It inspired me to try my hand at writing something similar. Well, it and Fangirl, but I ditched that one partway through. It was bad. 

    I did read Fangirl and yes it could use some work. Eliza and her Monsters is why like to draw comics. Have you read Eleanor and Park? Its by the same author. I read it a while ago. Its marginally better than Fangirl.

  4. Hey guys! Long time Sanderson Fan, but new to the site. I don't know how often I'll be on but I'm excited to be part of the community.

    My favorite Sanderson Book is Oathbringer

    My favorite series is Stormlight

    My favorite Characters are Shallan, Pattern, Veil, Kaladin, Lopen, Rock, Vin (Mistborn), and Siri (Warbreaker)

    My favorite not Sanderson book is Eliza and her Monsters.

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