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Posts posted by BlairJ

  1. Wow, I expected there to be a ton in NYC!  I know that because of the book (being a YA novel) I did expect to see less at each signing than usual and the fact that we were not necessarily bringing in the Dragonmount-esque peoples.  Should be a bigger turnout when we go to the Words of Radiance Signings.

  2. I went to the Rithmatist signing yesterday and was able to record Brandon's opening (in audio format).  I have the introduction and readings below now, and will upload the Q&A shortly. 


    Lots of good stuff in there. Enjoy!



    Early chatter and readings - https://www.dropbox.com/s/vxxh64we7ylel4d/AUD001.mp3

    Q&A - https://www.dropbox.com/s/la3s47gob747hfn/AUD002_.mp3






    *Edit 1 - MP3 format now available.

    *Edit 2 - Added Q&A

  3. You might hate to say it, but I'm really disappointed that there's not going to be a midnight release. :/ there's a signing day of, but it's just not the same. I wonder why they've decided to not have one.

    I am going to take back my "hate to say it" part.  Glad to say it.  Glad to see the opening release is in a real city.  :P

  4. I am going to chime in and say, definitely read the Final Empire first.  I think it gives a lot of insight in to what the Cosmere is in subtle ways and is really expounded upon in other books.  From there, you might as well finish the current books in the Mistborn series (there will be more) and I would agree that WoK will be last.  However, I do recommend getting to WoK as fast as you can so that you can anticipate WoR just as badly as we are.  :)



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