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Posts posted by ShiroXIX

  1. (Hey I don't know where else to post this, so apologies if I'm in the wrong place!)

    We’re looking for up to 2 new players for our Era 2 Mistborn campaign. The game is 18+ and will include mention of adult topics as well as strong language, so we prefer someone who is comfortable with that. 
    It’s a tabletop RPG played over Discord and Roll 20. You will need to use voice chat with us. It’s required you have a headset just to cut out background noise. We can provide PDFs of the playguides for you if you’ve never played before!
    We play on Saturdays starting at 1 PM CST and our sessions can last anywhere from 5-7 hours. Our last campaign lasted 16 sessions, but this one is projected to be shorter.
    I haven’t read Era 2, but those with working knowledge of Mistborn and the Cosmere are preferred.
    If you’re interested, just send me a message! 

  2. This was literally the funniest part of that book. I still haven't quite finished Secret History (which is going to make it less funny) but the fact that Vin saw this beggar and had the mental fortitude to know something was wrong and just "NOPE" her way out of that situation cracks me up forever.

    I just... picturing her just like, "Nope, nope, nah, no thank you, nope!" as she hops over roofs is fantastic.

  3. 1 hour ago, Showman said:

    Would you and anyone else care to name the books that you have published? I would love to read them and meet other authors!

    I don't have anything published yet. They're only manuscripts! I don't think my writing is publishing quality just yet. This new novel MAY be in the future, but I tend to second guess the hell out of myself. Titles though (in order, just for fun) are: Song of Azriel Radis, Scarecrows, How It Should Have Been, (sequel to How it Should Have Been, which has no name), S102, and my current novel which has no name and has been called 2k17 Novel every time I mention it. 


  4. I've finished four books and have several WIPs rolling around. Right now I'm working on a fantasy novel that keeps getting bigger and bigger. Originally I planned for it to only be 200/300 pages, but we're almost 200 pages in and not even close to finished with the exposition. I'm pretty excited to see where it goes. The cast is getting out of hand, though. I have four narrators, one of which is already in somewhat of a gang with three other members, and now my deaf soldier is going around gathering a fellowship of his own. I'm going to have to cut him off. Characters from old works are sneaking their way in and it's getting rather crowded in these pages...

  5. 2 minutes ago, Niteshado said:

    Welcome @ShiroXIX! have an upvote!!

    The usual Greeting here is "My life to yours, my breath become yours" buy you gotta say it with conviction! you should try it!!

    you go first :)

    I think I'm gonna pass and stick my my casual "howdy!" but NICE TRY!

  6. 4 minutes ago, LopenTheTwoArmedHerdazian said:

    Nice to meet you! Welcome to the community. Have a cookie and an upvote!

    Regarding the live-streaming, please do drop the link, and the only way I know you can notify people of streams is if you’re using twitch, in which case you can post upcoming times so your followers can see. And as far as I know, the most effective way to delete your post is to report it (don’t worry, you won’t be penalized), as weird as it sounds.

    Edit: BTW, just checked out your art. Just wow.

    Spoiler alert: I'm streaming RIGHT NOW! https://picarto.tv/ShiroXIX

    --and thank you so much Lopen. You deserve two arms. And... for the cookie, despite the part of me that is Lestiborne incarnate, I'm going to have to decline, thank you very much.

  7. Hey, my name is Andy and just last year (I think August) I started to delve into the Cosmere. I started with Stormlight Archive and have read Edgedancer, Mistborn Era 1, and half of Warbreaker. I'm still reading and loving every minute of it. I draw a lot of Stormlight Archive content over on my tumblr and have just uploaded a bit of (the less embarrassing/niche) stuff to the gallery. However, upon finishing Mistborn, I fear for the next few weeks I'm going to be a Sazed appreciation artist ahaha.

    Anyway, I'm a writer, artist, and cosplayer. I'm currently working on a fantasy novel that's growing too big for me to handle, transitioning to doing art full time as my job, and am currently struggling over who to cosplay from the Cosmere (I'm a 5'00" white person who wants to cosplay Sazed and Kaladin help me). I live in Chicago with my girlfriend and just went to the signing event for Oathbringer a little bit back and am still hype about that. I'm going to try and go to C2E2 as Spook so if you're going and you see me, please say hello!

    I spend a lot of my time livestreaming and would love for people to come and join me and talk about Sanderson stuff while I draw. If you'd like the link, just let me know. Is there a way/place here to let people know when I'm streaming? Also, I'm considering joining the Discord, but I get easily overwhelmed so... we'll see.

    Nice to meet you!

    (also is there a way to delete things in the gallery? my laptop had a seizure while I was trying to post something and accidentally posted a broken image 5 times help me)

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