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Posts posted by FlashWrogan

  1. I just got back from the signing in Portland (well Beaverton). There were well over 200 people there, possibly closer to 300. I got there 30 minutes before the signing and introduced myself to the bookstore staff. The seats were already filled, and they let me give an announcement up front before Brandon got there to let people know what I was doing and to track me down to contribute to the scrapbook. I found a lot of people by eye contact in the audience and passed out cards (I printed them on cardstock, which worked well) and pens as needed. I had bought a set of gel pens before, which was a nice touch for a lot of the cards.


    After my initial lap around the audience, I stayed by the table handing out tickets for the signing order. By the time Brandon got there and the signing began, I had gotten most of the the cards out and already gotten most back. A few found me during the signing itself, but interest in my project had wound down at that point.


    I printed 3 copies of the pdf, totaling over 90 cards. I ended up with 52 cards signed (53 after I do mine) and I passed out something like 75 cards, so I had just about the right amount. Here are some of the cards that stood out.






  2. I just drag the video along as fast I read. Most of the stuff you might miss is just changes and corrections he makes. I'm not particularly interested in the down and dirty details of his writing, so missing a few changes here and there doesn't matter to me :). Additionally, it has been stated that a speed version of the entire writing process will be posted after all the segments are up.

  3. Though I lack the extra funds for this right now, I do like the idea. A suggestion, what about putting the english translation in small subtext below the main text? It would be nice and much more accessible, especially if one forgets what that bookmark says that they've had for several months or years.

  4. Love this idea! Unfortunately my bookshelf that contains all my good books is 3 hours away at my parents house. My bookshelf out here at school only has nursing textbooks (i'm relegated to audiobooks and ebooks out here). I'll take a picture of it when I go home in a few weeks.

  5. Not sure if this is the correct place to post this, or if i should put it on the talk page or something (i'm not exactly wiki-literate). The Roshone article is wrong. Whoever wrote it had Amaram in their head when they were writing it. I would have corrected it myself, but I don't feel confident enough to format and reference correctly.

  6. I envy you Windrunner, reading through WoT for the first time


    Wow, you're in for a slog Windrunner. Personal opinion, the first 5 WoT books are great, then there's a MASSIVE drop off in quality up to and including book 10. Book 11 starts to reverse direction, and 12 and 13 were excellent (14 I've yet to read, waiting for TPB so it matches the rest of my collection :P ).

    I have to disagree with you there. While there is a noticeable drop off in pacing in books 7-10, it didn't seem like a drop in quality to me. The major thing is that events are moving slowly enough that we don't get real nice distinct story arcs with definitive climaxes during those books. They are definitely there, just not as defined or big in scope. If you think of 6-10 more as one long book and read it straight through, it doesn't really lack those except for those who lack patience ^.^
  7. There isn't really one interview that I ever remember reading where Brandon outlines his entire process and timeline for The Way of Kings Prime, but here are some quotes that give you a good idea. 


    The Alloy of Law Q&A notes that Brandon first created Dalinar when he was 14 or 15

    This interview in 2010 with 17thshard notes that he started work on the original version of Kaladin in 2000

    This interview estimates that his original draft was done in 2002 or 2003.

  8. While I sympathize with many of the questions you have, and would love to see the answers (I'm hoping that some of these smaller details will be answered in the encyclopedia such as Setalle and Annoura), I have two opinions on the matter:

    1. Any good series leaves questions open. The future is always unknown, and leaving us with that unknown lends a completeness and feeling of reality to character and world arcs.

    2. Robert Jordan just had too many balls in the air for anyone else (perhaps not even him) to catch properly and do everything justice. I've always been of the opinion that if Robert hadn't had any health problems, we probably would have ended up with a 15-20 book series. Though we did see signs of Robert pulling his plotlines toward resolution in KoD, he had a history of ballooning his story arcs wider and longer than he originally intended. He had 15 balls in the air, and when Brandon took over he pulled a Thom and gave us a satisfying finish (though it wasn't what we had originally expected, and perhaps not as complete)

  9. This seems unwieldy when you are one of ten people chosen to lead basically a whole world to war.


    "For battle directions in Alethi, please press one. For Horneater, please press two. For Makabi, please press three. If you do not hear your language of choice, please charge headfirst at the enemy. Thank you, and have a nice Desolation"


    I so had had a mental picture of Glados from Portal saying that . . .

  10.  I honestly can't remember specifically what happens at what level, but if I figure it out, I'll post it for you.


    My obsessive compulsive self took over and I did a survey of the forum members:



    1665: Adonalsium

    274-476 Hero of ages

    132-220: Shard

    102-122: Splinter

    77-97 Sliver

    64-73 Worldhopper

    50-62: Knight Radiant

    40-49: Full Shardbearer

    32-38 Shardbearer

    24-31: Elantrian

    17-23: Mistborn

    10-16: Misting

    5-9: Awakener

    -1 to 4: Trainee

    -4 to -2: Lamespren


    I couldn't fill in all the gaps. Maybe administrators have a handy list somewhere . . .


    Edit: Just being OCD and filling in a couple numbers.

  11. Welcome!

    Last book: Well i'm working on Dragon Prince by Melanie Rawn, but before that was Kitty and the Midnight Hour by Carrie Vaughn (decided to give an urban fantasy a try on the recommendation of a friend but was only so so)

    Next book: I've had several people recommend the Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch, so I think that may be next, or possibly Pratchet's Going Postal

    Favorite book: Way of Kings is kinda way out in front, but if I must choose a non-Sanderson book I would probably go with All the Weyr's of Pern (Anne Mcaffrey, kinda the climax of Dragonriders of Pern) or Eye of the World (Robert Jordan, I don't think I can pin down one book in Wheel of time that is a favorite, they kind of blend together for me)

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