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Posts posted by Grajilla

  1. 11 minutes ago, Greywatch said:

    To say something "got out of hand" means that the situation has become crazy, out of control. She's also saying that the splinter was removed, also 'out of her hand' - a little pun.

    The sick mind thing I imagine is about the Vorin safehand, and how any joke about a Vorin woman's hand has a 50/50 chance of being inappropriate.

    I understand the meaning of  "got out of hand", perhaps I am not getting the meaning of splinter? Is there another meaning apart from "sliver of wood"?

  2. Hello everyone, 

    Can someone explain me what is funny about this moment?

    "“Highly unlikely,” Shallan agreed. “They keep this deck well maintained, so there really aren’t any splinters.” “With my luck, I’d find one anyway.” “I had a splinter once,” Shallan noted. “It eventually got out of hand.” “You . . . you did not just say that.” “Yes, you obviously imagined it. What a sick, sick mind you have, Kaladin.”

    I am spanish and I don't understand the joke :(

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