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Article Comments posted by agrabes

  1. I think there is some truth to @Child of Hodor's point.  It's probably a little pessimistic to say all is lost and/or Sanderson will never be on track for another book release again, etc.  But, unlike the equivalent time during the lead up to RoW, we're not seeing updates from Sanderson talking about being excited to work on SA5.  We're not seeing him make progress on the book like we did in 2019 for RoW, though he was at only 29% by this time in 2019 so it's not like he was halfway done with the book.  Obviously, he's busy with Hollywood stuff and that's great.  And even aside from the time he spends on that, for all we know he could have been working along and run into issues with the writing that required him to work on things that don't move the progress bar, etc.

    I'm not doubting his work ethic, or his desire and passion for writing at all.  I'm not trying to say he's making a bad use of his time, or anything like that. I thought the SA5 prologue was great and some of the better writing he's done lately.  Just, you can tell a difference in his communication to the community about SA5 during the year he planned to spend writing it vs. how he interacted with the community in 2019 while writing RoW.  He seems less excited about it and it seems like it's not as much of a focus for him.  I think he should do exactly what he wants to do and come back to Stormlight when he's refreshed and ready to go like he was last time around.  I'd rather he take his time and make it great and write what he is passionate about vs. rushing it because he feels guilty about not being able to reach his writing goals and letting down the fans.

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