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The Batman

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Posts posted by The Batman

  1. I'm quite surprised after reading a good chunk of these comments. I knew Evi would die but I had hoped it would be more like a lesser evil choice that he would have to make, not something that happened accidentally. That being said, maybe I'm the weird one here but I was pissed at Evi. I thought she deserved to die. She was stupid and ineffective. 2 things are of issue here.

    1. The monster is part of who Dalinar was at the time. It always bothers me when someone can't accept a person for who they are and try to change a part of them hoping to only keep the parts of that person that they like. I find it incredibly selfish of her. She leaves her homeland and happens upon a High Prince whom she decides to marry and can't handle everything that he is. That's her problem. 

    2. The betrayal that was committed upon Dalinar was horrendous. Dalinar was trying to "satiate" Evi in the first place. (which is part of why i'm pissed at Evi. She made him feel bad for his bloodlust and then gutted him into saving lives. When he does do it, he gets betrayed/massacred and when he response in the only appropriate way, she goes and gets herself caught. Stupid.) When he's betrayed it's obvious he needs to at least make Tanalan pay significantly for his idiocy. The man was an idiot in the first place for claiming that "his father's sword wasn't taken through 'honour'". He's got a stupid personal vendetta against Dalinar and Dalinar's trying to do the honest thing to stop the death and he is responded in kind with betrayal and the death of his men. Any person should be able to see that retribution is necessary. Instead, Evi get's in the way, sneaks off and dies.

    I'm honestly glad Evi died. She didn't accept him for who he was and then got in his way when he had a job he needed to do. 

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