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Posts posted by Zacer

  1. I read this on Monday, just re-skimmed now, and have to say I like the flow. The ending was great. If D kills herself, that would blow my mind. The fact that it can be read both ways is pretty awesome. It has me itching to read the next chapter to find out. 

    I was digging the whole idea of L's people. That was a blast. 

    D's threat was cool. I didn't like that she didn't want to have to go through with it. It took away some of her thunder. I wanted her to be ruthless, which is why I thought she killed L at the end. 

    The exchange between D and L was well done and sucked me in again during my re-skim. 

    Now, just tell me if D killed herself. She did, didn't she? damnation...

  2. Just found this thread. Lots of awesome stuff! I challenged myself to write one on the spot. I didn't want to spend too much time on it, saw my guitar, and thought of Wit telling Kaladin the story of Fleet. Also, is it mentioned if Keteks are given titles? 

    Running in tune. No waiting for song.  On fleet on! Song for waiting, no. Tune in running. 

  3. Hey all, my name is Zac. Great to be here!

    I am a substitute teacher/freelance copywriter/and, most importantly, an aspiring author of fantasy and science fiction. Brandon Sanderson is my writing savior, and I can't believe I haven't joined the 17th Shard sooner. My main reason for joining is Reading Excuses. I have taken Brandon's writing class via YouTube and am halfway through Writing Excuses season 10 master class, so it's time to start sharing my writing with others. I don't want to, as that means I'll find out just how hacky and fan-fictiony my writing really is, but I'm determined to help myself and others grow. And to finish off the intro, here are a few of my favorite things:

    Favorite book: Way of Kings

    Second favorite movie: The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

    Third favorite band: Cold War Kids

    Fourth favorite TV show: The Leftovers

    Thanks for taking the storming time to read this!

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