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Straff Venture

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Status Replies posted by Straff Venture

  1. What's on my mind? The same thing that's always on my mind: GIVE ME BOOKS! Seiriously though, if you happen to have any book recommedations, I read too much for my own good so... drop me aline will ya?

    1. Straff Venture

      Straff Venture

      Guns, Germs and Steel? If you haven't read that and want to learn something new its great. Its a sort of geography-history hybrid . :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. What's on my mind? The same thing that's always on my mind: GIVE ME BOOKS! Seiriously though, if you happen to have any book recommedations, I read too much for my own good so... drop me aline will ya?

    1. Straff Venture

      Straff Venture

      If you like non-fiction I know of a few tomes that might sate your appetite, depending on your taste :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Okay guys we need to stop calling a full Mistborn + Feruchemist a "twinawesome." That is the worst possible name for it ever.

    1. Straff Venture

      Straff Venture

      Feruchemistborn? :o And that just made me realise 'feruchemist' has 'mist' in...

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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