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Lord Anomander Rake

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Everything posted by Lord Anomander Rake

  1. As far as I understand it: 1. He learned how to manipulate the Pattern during his metaphysical battle with the DO. Therefore, he can now warp reality at will. 2. Basically what Lidolas said, crossing balefire streams linked their souls. 3. Nakomi is likely to be an avatar of the Creator. 4. The boys' status as ta'veren is no longer needed by the Pattern, the Last Battle is won, therefore they have no reason to continue as such and risk (as the Pattern sees it) more complications down the line.
  2. Aha, good to have some confirmation. On the Nightwatcher stuff, I'm guessing Vasher asked for something that resulted in him losing Nightblood.
  3. Hello everyone. I've been lurking on this forum for some time so I thought it was finally time to introduce myself by sharing my reaction to "Oathbringer" and asking some questions. I know this comes super late in relation to when the book came out (it's also been two months since I finished it), but here goes. General Thoughts - Observations: Structurally this is Brandon's best book imo. I was honestly surprised at how much was revealed so soon and that's a really good thing. That only means there's so much more to come. Perhaps I don't overanalyze clues on purpose in order to experience plot twists fully, but storms it wasn't obvious to me that humans are the Voidbringers. Holy hell. That "divide by zero" joke by Pattern really had me rolling. I'm assuming Hoid had put aluminum around the Soulcaster during the Kholinar siege in order to make it invisible to Odium's army? Any Diagram part is supremely interesting. Wait a second. Jezrien is DEAD? Just like that? Godammit Moash. You piece of trash. As the sole negative I'd say I wanted more chit-chat between the leads, but that's not easy to cram in. Questions: I haven't read every single reaction/post here so bear with me if these have been answered before. Do we have something like a compilation of all the different Soulcaster forms? Does Szeth have a highspren? What exactly is the relation between Nightblood and the Nightwatcher (if there is one)? Is there a relationship between the paintings in the lighthouse they visited in Shadesmar and Wit's story (the wall and the little girl)? During a Dalinar flashback, he saw a light when he went outside during a highstorm. That was never explained. Any theories? I don't understand why Moelach is helping the humans with the Deathrattles. Isn't he an Unmade? Thank you for reading.
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