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Posts posted by JoelyWoely

  1. 21 hours ago, Szmit said:

    There is one that can listen to thoughts, one that can whisper to people, and I belive Honor's specialization would be watching into the past.

    Honors specialisation is the visions he gives Dalinar.

    21 hours ago, Szmit said:

    Without getting into spoilers, what spawned this idea is Harmony having a faint understanding about orgins of his power, but also severe lacks, similar to futuresight.

    This is due to Connection. All shards have this ability. The shard is strongly connected with the others and Adonalsium so it makes sense Harmony can be faintly aware.

    I think Honor might be able to maybe seek out Connections into the past better than most, considering what you said. Like an opposite to Cultivation, she is supposedly much better with future predictions than Honor, but he could be better at seeking Connection or something. But Connection works both ways past and present, considering the Spiritual Realm is both past and present as well. So I think it could be an unrelated ability (considering the visions are his shardic ability, akin to Ruin/Preservation) that just happens by coincidence due to his intent, but that's stretching it a bit.

  2. Well first I'm fairly sure a Shard doesn't use fortune but rather glimpses into the spirit realm. They are two different things, using fortune is just a way to access the spiritual realm. Also well everything is Connected in some way, albeit strenuous. So maybe a shard would be able to glimpse very far into the past, but why would they need to? Anything that happened prior to the shattering isn't really needed and we can assume the vessels remember everything onward from it. So to sum up I don't get what you're talking about.

  3. I think it's a good idea that he might be a different type of Scadrian pseudo-returned but a lot of people don't understand what happened between him and Harmony in BoM. Harmony didn't do anything to heal/repair Wax, zero, zilch, nil. Marasai was the one who revived Wax, not Harmony, he must've been like extremely near death, maybe just before brain death. Wax says it himself, there's a rumour you come to all those who die (very paraphrased). How could those rumours come to fruition unless there had been other really near death circumstances? Harmony might've put that into the words of founding as well though so who knows.

  4. I would absolutely hate it if that was the case, and I'm glad we know it's not. I read my books for escapism, and if it was linked back into reality that would ruin the entire thing for me. Breaking the fourth wall can work but I don't think it would in this case. I personally think meta stuff like breaking the fourth wall is stupid, even from an objective standpoint I can't see any reason to do it, other than in a less serious comedic sense, such as in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Weltall said:

    I imagine it could help fight off certain forms of emotional allomancy as well.

    Yeah while using your determination it could make you less vulnerable to soothing, then maybe while storing the same goes for rioting.

  6. Well determination is very general and wide. So maybe have the character focus on one thing, then apply the determination to that. Like it could be something as boring as office work, or maybe they're a bodyguard of sorts protecting someone to extremes. Maybe think about what they could also do while in a depressed state while storing? Maybe lull people into a false sense of security and such.


  7. 10 hours ago, Niteshado said:

    3. Odium, when talking to Dalinar when he combines the 3 realms, states "we killed you. WE KILLED YOU." I am jumping to assume hes speaking of honor, due to Dalinar opening the perpendicularity, but...who is "we"? He stated before "I killed honor and i will do the same to cultivation." so was he using the royal "we" or did he let something slip?

    There's a million theories floating around about this one right now, mine is that Odium likely had help from another shard to kill Honour, because he couldn't take on both Honour and Cultivation at the same time, probably got help from Autonomy.

  8. Wow nice find! Well, it isn't confirmed yet but it seems like the case. It fits in the timeline too, Era 2 takes place after book 5 of Stormlight I think, so maybe he just got sick of the world ending and figured out how to world hop?

  9. So in the foreword, before the book starts, he says a lot of the things that might be wrong with the book etc, like about how the two different plots happening were a bit "different". Like what the hell lmao. On 1 page (literally hehe) Raeth and D'Naa are cutely falling asleep next to each other with her head on his shoulder, then BOOM LETS SEND A FEW HUNDRED PEOPLE SCREAMING TO FALL TO THEIR DEATH YIPEEEEE.

  10. 11 hours ago, Moonrise said:

    I would like to know more of the backstory of the Cosmere/Yolen/Silverlight but I suppose that information is a bit of a way off for us. That's okay. I am patient.

    God I wish I had your patience, it's only been 4 months since Oathbringer and I'm craving for more, the Cosmere is like a drug. Though I guess it was a bad time to get invested (heh) into the Cosmere considering this year will be a big drought, I'm not experienced in these matters lmao.

  11. 39 minutes ago, Stormrunner1730 said:

    Jasnah- Neutral Good: She's pro-Dalinar's Radiants.  I'm tempted to put her under Lawful Good because of how logic dictates most of her decisions, but I feel like she's spent too much of her life spurning authority in general to be classified as such.

    I reckon I'd put Jasnah in Chaotic Good rather than Neutral. She is pro-radiant but she was very willing, and might still be, to kill the heralds and resume the Oathpact, or so was her original plan. Also when she killed the dudes in the alley to teach Shallan about "philosophy".

  12. 5 hours ago, The One Who Connects said:

    Whether any of them survived the Catacendre is unknown, as we haven't asked Brandon.

    Well I guess we have a new question to ask.

    7 hours ago, LevenThumps said:

    I saw this theory posted on Reddit and would love Wayne being turned into a kandra if meant we got more of him in later books.  Sazed would have to do it though, it's not possible with Hemalurgy.

    Yeah that was me lmao, posted it a few hours after I asked this question.

  13. 2 hours ago, Aurora the Rioter said:

    I don’t think so.  I think it would more likely make then into a koloss, although they need four spikes.  I beleive Harmony could make someone into a kandra by turing them into a mistwrath and then giving them two spikes.  I don’t think other people should turn two people into more kandra.  I bet if people wanted they could probably find a way to make more spikes and put them in mistwraths.  However, someone else might have a better idea.

    wait so are there still mistwraiths in Era 2 or did they all get destroyed? I don't remember mention of them in the books. This question came from when MeLaan told Wayne he was wasted as a human, so I thought it would be cool if he is somehow turned into a Kandra if hes about to die or something.

  14. Hoid, Sazed/Harmony, Syl and Kelsier. It's all just too hard to choose. Hoid is fairly ambiguous as of right now, we know he can be a real cremhole as seen in SH, though it was a teaching moment, technically he did start the fight rather then just help Kelsier. Syl is just Syl, I can't really describe it, she's just a solid, fun character. Sazed and Kelsier are just cool and badass in their own ways respectively.

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