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Everything posted by ShardHunter

  1. I have a vague memory that there has been a hint about Hoid (referenced as one of his aliases) seeking a lost gem in the epigraphs of one of the earlier books, possibly WoR but I cannot remember the details off hand. Edit: WoR Second Letter, chapter 60 epigraph (which is written as part of a letter to "old friend", thought to be Hoid.
  2. By the end of Oathbringer it becomes apparent that gemstones are playing a number of roles in the story, and hints that they have a greater significance in the Cosmere in general. Consider: Woah .. hang on ... think about it! With that in mind, lets consider the Epigraph at the start of Chapter 42 hmmm ... putting it all together There you go, my first contribution to the wild lands of Cosmere Theories ... i may be completely off track with this, but personally i feel there is something of merit in this line of thought. I guess we will simply have to wait and in the immortal words of Brandon ... RAFO!
  3. Hi All, Just finished Oathbringer about 3 hours ago, and my mind is still buzzing with all that has taken place, and foreshadowing of future possibilities ... Having read everything published so far in the Cosmere, time to dive deeper into the background and dig around in all the hidden little corners! - plenty of time to kill between now and SA#4 “Life before Death.Strength before Weakness.Journey before Destination.”
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