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Posts posted by stybun

  1. In OB at the end of part 2, something happened that made me think there is more going on with Lift and Odium:


    Odium patted him on the shoulder. “Take a minute, Dalinar. I’ll leave you here. Relax. It—” He cut off, then frowned, spinning. He searched the rocks.
    “What?” Dalinar asked.
    “Nothing. Just an old man’s mind playing tricks on him.” He patted Dalinar on the arm. “We’ll speak again, I promise.”
    He vanished in an eyeblink.

    Immediately following this is when Lift pokes her head up from behind the rocks and starts talking to Dalinar about Odium.  Was Odium simply surprised that Lift had broken in to the vision with them, or is there something more?  Odium doesn't strike me as someone who gets caught off guard very often.  There's a lot we don't know about Lift... so is there some reason that Odium would be scared of Lift?

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