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Posts posted by Sirrion

  1. What if we're not taking Stormfather literally enough? We know that 'Slumbering' is used to describe the state of the spren when their Knight dies, at least in Syl's case. I agree it's likely that happened to the Sibling too (my first thought on reading the conversation between Dalinar and the Stormfather). We also know it caused Sly a great amount of pain.  But what if the Stormfather was being absolutely literal when he say 'You hurt them enough'. What if Dalinar  killed the Bondsmith? That one would have been the first KR to arise since the Recreance, and could have stopped it but they were killed by Dalinar, thus sending that third spren  into slumber. 


    Now, who do we know would fit that perfectly? Who also got mentioned quite a lot in the book? I propose that the third Bondsmith (actually the first) was Evi. I'll have to go back an do rereads after I finish (I had to get this out before I forgot about it) and see why her and her brother were exiled, as well as read her interactions and see how they compare to Dalinar's abilities and such. But it would make sense to me given her attitude. And it would make Stormfather's words make more (literal) sense, in that Dalinar was the one to cause the Sibling pain, not humanity as a whole. 

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