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Posts posted by SirKay

  1. On 11/24/2017 at 0:42 PM, KC Hammer said:

    While Adolin has shown a couple instances of remembering those who have been forgotten, in general I don't think he fits the personality required for an Edgedancer. Perhaps another order. Even if he revives Maya I don't think he will actually bond her. I have no backing for this just a feeling.


    On 11/25/2017 at 8:54 AM, FuzzyWordsmith said:

    So, there is something that has been really really bugging me this whole thread. This conversation about Adolin possibly fitting as an Edgedancer. Would it be happening if Maya wasn't an Edgedancer blade/spren? Imagine a scenario where Maya's plot thread is identical, instead Maya is an Honorspren instead of a Cultivationspren. Or a Lightspren. In that case, would the thread go about determining if Adolin features characteristics of those orders? Arguments can be made.

    For the record, I was thinking Adolin as an Edgedancer would make most sense before I noticed anything about what kind of spren Maya was.

    Adolin helped the prostitute in WoR. He socialized with a lot of the Kholin soldiers, and later the bridgemen. He doesn't bat an eye at Shallan's significantly lower status, he looks out for Renarin, he gets along with Wit. And bonding a dead spren is pretty much the pinnacle of remembering the forgotten. Maya is about as forgotten as it gets. Especially since Adolin was starting to care about her before he even met her in the Cognitive Realm. (Also Evi sounds pretty forgotten/ignored, not just formerly by Dalinar but nobody else really talks about her outside the family, when you'd think there'd be some things like maybe Sadeas mentioning her from time to time to get under Dalinar's skin.) He was much nicer if a bit patronizing to Kaladin as a random bridgeman than as suddenly a captain. Adolin very clearly does a lot to stick up for the underdog in particular.

    He does have some notable things in common with Lift; his fear of becoming highprince or king sounds a lot like Lift's fear of being "eaten" by the Azish court and having things be expected of her. They both don't want to be seriously responsible or have commitments tying them down. They both have little regard for rules and do some ethically dubious things at times.

    Edgedancers are described as refined and beautiful. Wyndle certainly values aesthetic concerns enough. And you have Adolin, who insists on looking fabulous in an occupied city and reads fashion magazines regularly.

    Also, Evi's high regard of the Nightwatcher (and how much of a primary role she had in raising Adolin, and how much he's indicated as taking after her) does sound to me like it'd make a lot of sense/be narratively fitting for Adolin to bond a Cultivation spren rather than any other.

    On the subject of how Maya might be revived, considering what spren are, my best theory would be that knowing/envisioning (or re-envisioning) them would have to be a part of it. I think it's going to be like, Adolin talking to the Blade so much and then meeting Maya in the Cognitive Realm was enough for him to start thinking of her as a person, and due to how spren work, that's gradually making her more of a person. So I'd think if there's a lasting flaw in Maya or the bond, it would be her not having the even vaguely returning memories of the other spren because of not really being the same Maya as before, more a pieced together Maya-as-imagined-by-Adolin.

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