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Posts posted by TequilaJack

  1. Skyward is definitely the better book. 

    The plot for Starsight meanders quite a bit and I felt some segments just stretching my belief a bit too much even accounting for sci-fi creativity. A girl and a ship hiding behind a hologram undetected though the security systems of advanced station with multiple aliens for multiple weeks...seriously? And Spensa convincing the Delver to leave ranks at par with "kiss saves hero" type cringe worthy endings. 

    Loved the cliffhanger where Spends steps into unknown and setting the scene for the next book. 

    Overall a weaker book, both in plot and content. 

  2. 8 hours ago, StrikerEZ said:

    I mean, yes, there a lot of Kholin Radiants (Dalinar, Renarin, and Jasnah [which isn’t that many in the grand scheme of how many Radiants there used to be, and how many there will probably end up being]), but that actually increases Adolin’s chances of becoming a Radiant:

    (Emphasis added by me) So, since Adolin knows so many Radiants and is around them a lot (not even just his family but also Shallan, Kaladin, etc.), spren are more likely to bond him.

    Granted, spren are probably reluctant to bond him considering he’s got Maya following him around in the CR, but Maya probably wouldn’t be very reluctant to bond him, considering it seems they’ve already started to bond in the first place.

    Not a fan of that idea at all tbh. Radiants need to be diverse to be interesting. I hope it won't be like reading up an episode of "Keeping up with the Kholins". :D 

  3. 11 hours ago, Thanatos said:


    The Stormfather was around before Uncle Andy was shattered. 

    When Tanavast took up Honor, the Shard of Honor was not sentient, the sentience of Honor was Tanavast, the vessal. 

    1/16th of Uncle Andy went to the shard Honor, which incorporated the Stormfather. So Uncle Andy created him not Tanavast. 

    How many Cosmere books have you read?


    The Shards themselves have not created anything intentionally wise, it's the vessals that intentionally create things, or modify.


    From what I read, high storms were around in Roshar before Honor dropped in. Can you link me to stormfather being there before Honor? Missed it.

  4. 2 hours ago, Calderis said:

    Tanavast was the Vessel of Honor. Just as Leras and Ati were the Vessels of Preservation and Ruin. The shard itself can't have a Cognitive Shadow because the mind of the Shard was a person in the first place. 

    Yes, they could absolutely hang around. If  human can become a Cognitive Shadow just by being immersed in the power of a Shardpool when their already dead, holding a Shard itself is going to anchor the soul indefinitely.

    They don't have to stay. They can choose to go beyond, just as Ati did. Just as Vin did. And they can also be killed/destroyed/changed so even if they had decided to hang around they may not have survived. 

    Khriss at least believes that the Cognitive Shadows of Aona and sky are died. 

    Why would Honor create Stormfather and just let Tanavast part in and not his own remains? Tanavast creating stormfather without Honor is also flimsy.

    Either way how did Odium recognize Unity with no knowledge of Dailnar's will? 

  5. 18 hours ago, Calderis said:

    The Stormfather's soul would be... Well the Stormfather, which happens to contain the Cognitive Shadow of Tanavast. The former Vessel of honor. Not Honor itself.

    Wut? Where does this conginitive shadow business come from? I remember no parts which differentiates Honor front Tanavast. The only mention which I refer was stormfather being a pale shadow of Honor. Nothing else and Tanavast wasn't even mentioned there. For all intents and purposes, they are the same. 

    So you're saying the conginitive shadow of holders of the splintered shards (like Aona or Skai) still exist? 

  6. 44 minutes ago, SwordNimiForPresident said:

    That WoB seems story breaking. I think that's the problem with putting an author on the spot like that, it forces them to make up cannon stuff on the fly. Like I said, this means Hoid can be killed by a single aluminum bullet, assuming it removes all Investiture rather than just physical Investiture.

    I assumed breath is stored inside a person, unlike Stormlight which needs external refilling. So even within a aluminum room a person can use breaths to awaken/live longer. So Hoid can't really be killed if he's had access to breaths. 

  7. I found Stormfathers reaction to be curious. He's not sure, yet accepts the words. Feels like it's part of something that honor was part of. You see the trees but not the forest thingy. When Stormfather says this hasn't happened before, Dalinar replies 


    "A direct conduit to the Spiritual Realm, the Stormfather said. You renew spheres, Dalinar?

    “We are Connected.”

    I was bonded to men before. This never happened then.

    “Honor was alive then. We are something different. His remnants, your soul, my will.”

    1) This shows Unity is different from Honor due to Dalinar will.

    2) If it was so different and new (Dalinar specific) then Odium should not have recognized it, but he does..... 

    3) it's curious that Dalinar differentiates between Honors remanents and Stormfather soul. Means he's more than just a shadow of honor as described elsewhere. Stormfather may be Honor mixed with a bit of Cultivation.

    A even more radical theory...

    The only explanation when all above could be true is when we assume Unity is Adonalsium. It's different because Dalinar has taken a step above Honor. This is possible because Honor and Cultivation has lot more overlaps and intrinsically mixed than we know for now. Perhaps Dalinar absorbed some if Cultivation influence (though she's still alive) through Honor. Odium recognizes Unity because it's still an aspect of Adonalsium than Honor.

    Is Unity referring to Adonalsium? When Odium says "We killed you" he's probably referring to the splintering and killing of Adonalsium and not Honor. (Also Harmony is a subset of Unity. Without Harmony there cannot be Unity B))

    Perhaps the end result of the series would be to reunite Adonalsium and complete the circle. Possibly at end of Dragonsteel.  Dalinar becomes the aspect of Adonalsium and unites all shards back. 


    I'll get back to my drink. :wacko:

  8. 1 minute ago, RShara said:

    Investing a piece of metal with the Dor or Stormlight isn't creating a Hemalurgic spike, though. Creating a spike requires shoving it through a living entity (likely killing it) and ripping away part of its spiritweb. Then stapling that chunk of spiritweb to another entity. A spiritweb is a pretty distinct chunk of investiture--not just any investiture will do, but the innate, intimate portion of investiture that sometimes is called a soul.

    I take Spiritweb as the thing which grants or determines Investiture and not a Investiture in itself. It can in theory grant any Investiture if manipulated and used properly.  

    In theory, assume you kill a person who can use Stormlight and create a spike and then use it on a person in different planet. Worldhoppers retain their abilities we can see from Hoid. 

  9. On 1/6/2019 at 1:58 AM, RShara said:

    The metals are a key, but the ability to use them is genetic. A person from Sel wouldn't have the genetic component that lets them access metals, unless they managed to get their hands on some lerasium. In which case they'd be drawing on Preservation, anyway.

    The Dor, unlike most cosmere magics, is region dependent, and so it wouldn't work off-world without some interesting shenanigans.

    Now, if an Elantrian was also an Allomancer or Feruchemist, it's entirely possible for them to "hack" the system, and get Preservation to power their Aons. But we have no idea how or how difficult this would be.

    The Spiritual Realm is common across worlds, right? For example in Hemalurgy a spike is invested with part of spiritweb (I assume this has something to do with spiritual realm) and this is then inserted into a person's body in physical realm. So in theory you can invest a spike with Dor or even Stormlight and put that in a person to give him that ability. A Spren is Rosharan equivalent to a Scadrial spike. It randomly occurs in Sel.

    Almost all powers are part of Dominion, so there must be a underlying thread tying all together and it probably lies within the Spiritual Realm, manifested in Cognitive and used in Physical. 

  10. Heart says Lightsong, but then it's a perfect death and I'd hate to ruin it. 

    So I'll go with Eshonai. Such a complex character that we barely scratched the surface. I'd take her over Venli any day. Her leading the Parshendi would be so much more different than Venli. 

  11. I think I'm being misunderstood.

    - Stormlight has 7 books to go. 

    - Was and Wayne probably has 3 more.

    - Dragonsteel is minimum a trilogy. 

    - Warbreaker sequel (Nightblood) and Elantris sequel planned. 

    - Aether, Silverlight and First of Sun to come.

    - Not sure which covers the other shards story including the splintered ones. 


    He has plate full to complete everything on his own imo.

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