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Posts posted by Strabe

  1. Quote

    They likely wouldn't  be in a state of half life without the bond the gems facilitate.

    Except that even without the gem, they are still present in the Physical realm. The gem simply allows the bonder to summon and dismiss the Blade in a manner similar to the Knights Radiant.

    Crushing the gem, as Adolin does after winning another Shardblade in a duel, terminates the weak bond.

  2. There's a couple interesting quotes in OB that may allude to the God Beyond perhaps taking a more active role in helping Dalinar Ascend to something larger even than a Shard.

    I wouldn't think Dalinars constant usage of the word "Beyond" to describe both his belief in divinity and his vision of light is either accidental or trivial.


    Oathbringer 28 - Another Option

    “I have felt warmth,” Dalinar said, “coming from a place beyond. A light I can almost see. If there is a God, it was not the Almighty, the one who called himself Honor. He was a creature. Powerful, but still merely a creature.”



    Oathbringer 4 - Oaths

    “Honor might be dead, but I have felt … something else. Something beyond. A warmth and a light. It is not that God has died, it is that the Almighty was never God.



    I hung between realms, seeing into Shadesmar—the realm of the spren—and beyond.

    Oathbringer preface, chapter 5 



    Oathbringer 107 - Honors Path

    “I think there must be something beyond. I asked you before, what did worship look like before Vorinism? What did—”



  3. Quote

    He let Dalinar get surrounded, but he didn;t hold the knife himself. He's a scheming oily, conniving bastard, but "murder" has a specific definition. 

    He premeditated a way to betray the entire Kholin army to their death, including Dalinar. There is no need for direct violence for murder - 

    Murder is the unlawful killing of another human without justification or valid excuse, especially the unlawful killing of another human being with malice aforethought.

    Notice there is no requirement for direct violence. If you kill your spouse by cutting the brake lines, you have committed murder just as surely as with a gun.

    Intent and premeditation are the key differences between murder and homicide, especially when there is provocation. Adolin certainly did not intend to kill Sadeas that day, he was provoked into it by Sadeas making a direct threat to his family again.


    “Because,” Sadeas said with a sigh, “it has to happen. You can’t have an army with two generals, son. Your father and I, we’re two old whitespines who both want a kingdom. It’s him or me. We’ve been pointed that way since Gavilar died.” “It doesn’t have to be that way.” “It does. Your father will never trust me again, Adolin, and you know it.” Sadeas’s face darkened. “I will take this from him. This city, these discoveries. It’s just a setback.”




  4. 3 minutes ago, Nepene said:

    They're tough as we see in the books, but they're tougher than several weak radiants put together tough. They're bosses that Dalinar and co can defeat, not city wrecking monstrosities.

    I imagine that the sibling was doing other things, and someone convinced them to help make Uri.

    A mythical super city may not be enough to hold a godspren, but the mountain probably is.

    That does sound reasonable. Guess we will have to RAFO.

  5. 4 hours ago, Nepene said:

    I'm still leaning towards the third godspren being one that inhabited Urithiru and made the fabrials work and kept the unmade away, a fusion of honor and cultivation's power, and them dwelling somewhere near the Shin as the god of Stone Shamanism, a holy and magical stone spren. 

    This ... makes a lot of sense. One of the Siblings was supposed to be sleeping, per the Stormfather. The tower would have been abandoned by the time of the Recreance, when there was only one Bondsmith.

    There are two major potential problems. First, it is implied there were multiple Bondsmiths *after* the founding of the Knights Radiant, but before the tower was constructed. (Can anyone chime in with a WoB on how long this period was?) Second, the Tower is a constructed entity, which may result in a high order spren (like the oathgate spren), but seems unlikely for such a godlike spren at the same level as the Stormfather.

    Thoughts? Either way, I look forward to seeing Dalinar supercharge that tower! :D

  6. 5 hours ago, Fifth of Daybreak said:

    Could Moash have used a Dawnshard to kill Jezrien?

    I did wonder that myself. The Dawnshards were small enough to carry, per one of the earlier quotes. And they were able to "bind any voidish or mortal" - there was a distinct glow to the gem in the pommel of the knife afterwards.

    As to where they are located... Aimia perhaps? Oathbringer I-4 Kada.


    “After many warnings not to come to this place,” the cook said. “It is rare I must guard it so … aggressively. Men must not again discover this place.” “The gemstones?” Kaza asked, growing more drowsy. “Or … is it something else … something … more…” “I cannot speak,” the cook said, “even to sate a dying demand. There are those who could pull secrets from your soul, and the cost would be the ends of worlds.



    28 minutes ago, ScavellTane said:

    The Unmade are now related to Odium, I believe they, like the Parshendi are native to Roshar and Odium 'corrupted' them.

    Therefor I believe there was 10 'Made', tied to the 10 Dawnshards.


    The Dawnshards (and perhaps Honor) were not native to Roshar, though.

    From Chapter 113 of Oathbringer:


    But in the days leading to the Recreance, Honor was dying.  When that generation of knights learned the truth, Honor did not support them.  He raved, speaking of the Dawnshards, ancient weapons used to destroy the Tranquiline Halls.  Honor ... promised that Surgebinders would do the same to Roshar.


  8. Both of the other answers are right but incomplete.

    Listiow had loaned Lirin the spheres to provide light for surgery. Lirin was present at the brightlord's death, and came away with a will giving the spheres to Lirin to finance Kaladin's education as a surgeon.

    It did turn out Lirin lied about it. He claimed Wistiow would have wanted this, but passed without regaining lucidity.

    This claim on the spheres of course led to the friction between the new brightlord Roshone and Lirin, eventually to Tien being drafted and Kaladin joining the army.

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