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Hiadin Haloun

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Posts posted by Hiadin Haloun

  1. I always figured it was similar to why the flash needed to eat more often.  Increased metabolism.  Your brain needs the energy from somewhere.  Feruchemy doesn't create energy and the body would need to fuel the power somehow.

  2. I believe it was borrowed from his work with the Wheel of Time.  Robert Jordan loved using it, and when Brandon finished that series he had to start using it as well.  It kind of stuck on him, and now he uses it for the cosmere too.

  3. 2 hours ago, Yata said:

    That is far above her natural intuite.

    Everything she has done has been far above the level of intuition she should have had.  Vasher even comments on how far above her level she should be.  after only a small amount of time she has almost perfected commands that Vasher uses as a professional, commands we don't see other fighters using.  Not only that but she never held enough to intuitively know the commands.

  4. I am in the camp of vivenna/azure created the new sword.  In warbreaker she intuits commands before having the heightening to do so.  She is a natural born awakener.  So even if she didn't learn the method from vasher, it is entirely possible that she figured it out.  She also might have had help from nightblood in the command since he likes her.

  5. I actually like that he doesn't write very many sex scenes.  It is something that usually takes away from the story, and can be implied without being explicit. The exception is when it is a driving feature of at least a plot point.  Example is siri and susebron.  We don't need to hear the squishing to know what is going on, and in fact it would take away from the story of he described those parts, but you know that they did it.  Wheel of time also skirted the juicy details usually, focusing more on the emotions that occured during or after.  Rather than the actual physicality of the deed.  Unless you are looking for something to rev up your imagination in that area, there is no need for the rest. 

  6. Quote

    The knights, the Stormfather said in his head, broke their oaths. They abandoned everything they’d sworn, and in so doing killed their spren. Other Blades are the corpses of those spren, which is why they scream at your touch. This weapon, instead, was made directly from Honor’s soul, then given to the Heralds. It is also the mark of an oath, but a different type—and does not have the mind to scream on its own.   OB CH 16

    you are correct in one sense i suppose:  The Honor blades were made directly from the soul of Honor.  They are made directly from Honors soul.  I see this as a spren, a very large spren, taking a piece of themselves and making something else out of it.  As for the soulcasters, as I understand it stormlight does not just appear in gemstones.  it is carried by the spren that get trapped in gemstones.  there are multiple instances where someone is looking at a gemstone and instead of seeing a constant light, they see things moving inside of it.  in the fabrials they see the specific spren that is being used, like a flame spren in a heat fabrial.  While at other times, like in Hearthstone when he looks into the diamond broams he sees the movement, he sees something inside the gemstones.  the light is carried by the spren into the gemstone and trapped there.  the spren eventually escape because the gemstone is not perfectly cut, and this is why the stormlight runs out.

  7. good point about the shardpool thing, so i guess no worldhopping, but i think there might still be something to his culture.  I think the khlenni might have originally been refugees.  and they have legends about cognitive shadows.

  8. On 10/17/2017 at 9:53 AM, Salkara said:

    Taking a kandra's spikes isn't an easy task, Bavadin has made Taldain inaccessible (at least currently), and Yolen? Mraize clearly has skills.

    Onto Patji. We've only seen the island from the PoV of Sixth of the Dusk, a man with very primitive technology. Vathi was able to kill a nightmaw with her portable harpoon-cannon, and she didn't seem like she had much in the way of survivalist training. Mraize, on the otherhand, has been pretty clear on his status as a hunter. I would not be surprised to find out he likes going to hunting expeditions to other worlds (cosmere safari, anyone?).

    Is it possible that Mraize is from the island himself?  Didnt Sixth say that only hunters could survive Patji?  only hunters could get Aviar?  and Mraize uses hunting an awful lot as a metaphor.  Seems like a native of the Island of Patji would do something like that.  It would definitely support his ability to get Aviar, and probably most of the other things he has collected.  I find it more interesting that Iyatil is considered a Babsk, which is a Thaylen, while she is actually from Scadrial.  The other interesting thing to note with this relationship is that Rysns Babsk takes her to weird places, and collects weird things.  The items he has gathered seem more like Rysns "Stupid grass" then a show of wealth, or a source of accessible power.

  9. I think Spoilers are allowed right? 


    Honorblades are the spren of Honor himself.  I don't know how that works, but the Storm Father tells Dalniar that they are in OB.  Ancient Soulcaster Fabrials still work using stormlight infused gems, which have spren inside of them.  The non fabrial magic uses the bond to connect to spren, and the spren grants the power.


  10. 22 hours ago, Calderis said:

    Not confirmed. 

    There are two main camps. Spren and Bonds. 

    I personally am in the bonds camp. 

    I think the spren is probably more important as fabrials all use spren that have been trapped to perform their magics.

  11. I have been tossing this around in my brain for a long time.  The mist spirit that Alendi sees is described as a shadow in the logbook.  He talks about the edges not fuzzing or some such (My copy of the book is in storage) but it makes me wonder, the terminology he uses seems VERY cosmere aware.  Could Alendi have known about things outside of Scadrial?  Perhaps because his people are refugees?  Or perhaps in his quest he had to worldhop?  Anyways this is something that has bugged me for a while.

  12. 12 hours ago, Toaster Retribution said:

    I doubt that the Ghostbloods have been trying to save Jasnah, or that they are in total opposition to Odium. Remember what Mraize said about using the forces of the Desolation to gain power? I doubt he will pull a Taravangian and join the dark side, but he is not on the Radiants side.

    True.  They probably did not try to save her, but I have a feeling that they would have preferred to collect her rather than kill her.  As to using the desolation to grab power, I thought that was Shallan talking about the ghostbloods, not mraize talking about himself.

  13. 19 minutes ago, Fifth of Daybreak said:

    Personally I think she found out about an assassination attempt on Gavilar and intervened... enthusiastically. It has the most on-screen evidence to support it.

    (Welcome to the forums :))

    That is another likely option, but I feel it lacks an explanation for her thoughts that they will kill shallan as she swears her oaths.

  14. It is my thoughts that mraize is in direct opposition to odium.  Whatever else he does, does not matter.  I think Jasnah had some bad info with the trying to kill you thing, as that is what the skybreakers are doing.  I have a couple of theories regarding Jasnah but they aren't fully formed yet. One though is that the ghostbloods tried to stop an assassination of Jasnah by the skybreakers, and she blamed the ghostbloods instead.

  15. 1 hour ago, Edgeborn said:

    Tl;dr: love triangles don't suck if they actually make sense and don't become the end-all focus of the story.

    Thank you!


    Also, I don't think this can actually be considered a love triangle, except in the forums.  There is no actual interactions of love, or relationship between them.  An inside joke is not the same as dating.  She has emotions yes, but never talks to Kal about these emotions.  She is actively courting Adolin.  For it to be live triangle she would have had to have gone on at least one date with the bridgeboy, which never happened.

  16. Do we have a definitive yes she is lvl 4 now, or is it just that she progressed farther than any one else?  She regressed, and from what I have seen has not made it back to where she was as a child.  Now if she can come to terms with her issues than yes, but she is still hiding from the truth.  I feel like the issue of her and pattern killing her mother still isn't fully resolved.

  17. On 11/16/2017 at 1:28 AM, PhineasGage said:

    Ok some final thoughts. Shallan is a level 4 Lightweaver. She still has one more truth to reveal to become a full Radiant. This is likely to happen either towards the end of book 4, or (more likely imo) in book 5. Now this could be regarding how she became a surgebinder (presumably her family was pretty nasty even before she killed her mother) but that seems to have been implicitly understood at this point. My feeling is that she needs to accept that she is all of these women and stop hiding parts of herself away - she needs to accept her flaws etc and that she is not infallible. Interestingly, accepting the truth of situations seems to be part of all of the orders. Kaladin struggles to accept the truth that he cannot save everyone - indeed he can't progress because of it. Truth, or at least the subjective aspect of it, is important in the cognitive realm, although the Cryptics seem to take this to an extreme. Granted, we only have evidence for the WR and LW but accepting the truth of your own flaws and accepting that failure is a part of your journey is incredibly important for all people, not just Radiants. Shallan has not accepted this - so she created personas to overcome the inherent weaknesses of her personality. It seems like a strength but overall true strength comes from accepting that you cannot be perfect. 


    The thing is i dont think she is a lvl 4 lightweaver.  She has obviously sworn the first three ideals.  1 is static...  Always the same...  2 and 3 are more questionable though.  I don't think "I am terrified" counts.  It is obvious she is terrified, and it doesn't reveal much about herself.  "I am a murderer" however... A very powerful truth.  Additionally, while she admitted to killing her mother, the ideal  has been "sworn, but not yet accepted."  (I probably misquoted that).  She just isn't there yet.  We don't have any lvl 4 Radiants yet.

  18. 8 hours ago, manugutito said:

    They had to get their Surges from somewhere if they were to use them destroy their old planet, I guess. We only know of three Shards that give access to Surges, although that doesn't mean there can't (couldn't) be others. I think we only know of four Shards killed by Odium, however (Ambition, Devotion, Dominion and Honor). Sel is not destroyed, so that one is discarded (or maybe Elantris happens before SA?). Or maybe Roshar's humans come from Threnody's Fallen World? (Although this is a destroyed continent, not a planet, but again, I can't recall if Shadows... comes before SA or after).

    All we know is what Mr. T released.  I think the humans came from sel. My reasoning is the shin.  The man who runs the lighthouse is shin by description, but he is korathi by religious affiliation.  The first humans were given shinovar as a haven/settlement.  Odium followed close on their heels, and he has been trapped on Roshar since.  I don't buy that the humans originally worshipped odium.  But the singers thought he was because he came with the humans.  Remember Sanderson wrote Rashik as an evil man for two books straight. We didnt realize the truth till book 3.  The truth you are told early on is not always the truth of the cosmere just someones perceptions.

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