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Posts posted by CrazyManth3

  1. I kind of want to explore this.

    We know that the creation of Nightblood was incredibly complex, but if we thought about it...

    Nightblood can: Induce sickness/vomiting (on good people), induce blood lust (on bad people), suck out investiture and life force, and destroy all things physical, cognitive, and spiritual (storming love the Coppermind).

    So how would you create a more powerful weapon? As a basic rule it would need a rusting amount of Breaths to be powerful enough.

    In the Nighterwatcher Boon/Bane Game I was granted a weapon that seems to have similar but also opposite effects. It heals wounds, but is powered by the lives killed of others (this is a simplification).

    I really liked this idea, so... using a steel sword, one could Command: "Heal", while visualizing wounds closing, etc..

    And hopefully it would not require killing, just investiture. It probably still wouldn't beat Nightblood though...

    Maybe the Command "Protect me" could do it. Or just "Protect", "Protect good".

    Well, I enjoyed our time together, thinking of ways to cheat the system. Have a good day.

    PS: It would be easier to awaken a stick because it was once living, but harder because it doesn't really look like a human. It would be a type III BioChromatic entity.

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