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Posts posted by LevenThumps

  1. 16 hours ago, JoelyWoely said:

    wait so are there still mistwraiths in Era 2 or did they all get destroyed? I don't remember mention of them in the books. This question came from when MeLaan told Wayne he was wasted as a human, so I thought it would be cool if he is somehow turned into a Kandra if hes about to die or something.

    I saw this theory posted on Reddit and would love Wayne being turned into a kandra if meant we got more of him in later books.  Sazed would have to do it though, it's not possible with Hemalurgy.

  2. The Final Empire > The Hero of Ages > The Well of Ascension

    Final Empire is a future classic.  It works really well just by itself if that's the only book you've read, the Ocean's Eleven vibe I got from reading it, Vin's character progression.  This is still my favorite Mistborn book to date.  

    I actually really loved Hero of Ages.  I loved all the plot threads that you found out were laid well in advance and how they came together.  I thought the avalanche was really good, and I absolutely LOVE the ending when everyone comes out of the cave into the new world.  I did think the Kandra plot line took a while to get going.  

    Well of Ascension... pacing is my biggest issue.  Characters, great.  Sense of despair at all times... check.  Plot twists... excellent.  But the whole book seemed to drag in some sections where I wanted to get to the next section and get the plot going again.  

  3. @Calderis I'm not so sure it's just like in Mistborn

    In Mistborn, Marsh couldn't do much more than lift a finger without Ruin's permission.  Odium had to essentially scare Venli into submission to remind her who was in charge.

    I do agree that having a voidspren increases Odium's influence over you, but not full on mind control.  I agree with @deeptheory that mind control may be too strong a term for what's happening.

  4. So, my follow up question to that (and the Reddit user's primary argument), is how can Eshonai be influenced so much by stormform at the end of Words of Radiance, but Venli is able to resist enough to swear the First Ideal.  

    My thoughts (I know it may be weird to answer my own question but I'm also looking for other input) is that Venli simply was able to resist over time and through the events that happened in OB.  Eshonai probably would have been able to resist the influence of stormform more if she had survived.  

  5. I haven't read White Sand comixology, but I have read other comics and I would recommend it.  I use a computer instead of a tablet but I think it would still work well for you.  They have a mode called Guided View that goes panel by panel instead of page by page which I honestly like, but the normal page at a time still works great for me.  

  6. Put the OB tag so people can use this book as well if they need it to explain their point


    So I got into a somewhat heated debate on Reddit about whether Eshonai was mind controlled by stormform in WoR, and I was curious what everyone here thought.

    My opinion, no.  It's been established that all forms change the way you think and listeners should not let the forms control them.  Stormform is a very powerful form, and I always thought that Eshonai wasn't able to resist the form and couldn't act like she normally does.  This could be considered mind control, but then wouldn't mateform be considered mind control if you can't do anything but mate?  Please respond if you have a thought as I'd like to know what others think on this matter.  

  7. This is really close, but I'm going to have to pick Mistborn, for now.  

    The reason is Hero of Ages is one of the best endings to a series I've ever read.  I thought it was fantastic and I always smile when I'm reading where the world is remade and everyone sees flowers and grass for the first time.  Only being 3 books in, Stormlight doesn't have this awesome ending yet, but I'm sure it will, and I think it will win in the end.  

  8. Well we all know that the shards were originally the same power, and yet some of these shards are weaker than others...


    I think we can confirm that the primary antagonist against Adonalsium and the entire cosmere is none other than... the SUN!

  9. I'm currently on my second read though of the book, and I am loving it even more (maybe I should slow down the first time, but I really want to get to the end).  More moments may come to me as I continue to read, but the ones that stick out right now are:


    Kaladin reuniting with his parents

    Rock's family 

    Elhokar almost becoming a Lightweaver and his death (I had to take a breather from the book first time I read this part).

  10. Rereading the Well of Ascension and began to think about the mechanics behind duralumin.  What the books tell us about duralumin is that is uses up all of a metal reserve in one powerful blast.  But, does the strength of the duralumin blast depend on how much metal reserves you have left?  


    For example, if two Mistborn of equal weight had a Pushing match and the first person has twice as much steel reserves as the other, and they both burn duralumin, would the first person's push be twice as strong as the other?  


    Hope everyone has a Happy New Year!

  11. I have no idea for Book 4, but I suspect Gavilar for Book 5.  Just a feeling that would be the best character to end on.  

    On 12/16/2017 at 6:52 AM, Kered said:

    I haven't seen that yet, but I actually hope that's the case. A new prologue event for the back 5 would be pretty cool. 

    Is it confirmed that the back 5 books will share a prologue scene from different viewpoints?

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