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Taeshi Vei

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Status Updates posted by Taeshi Vei

  1. I changed my name, profile picture, and background.  I was Runeweaver, and before that, Emerald_Griffin.  My profile picture was of a green dragon.  I appologise for using a formal voice in this.  I have spent nearly two months avoiding time in front of a screen, so I've lost a bit of my interest in the type of talk found on social media.  I want to live more like a real character.

    1. Dragon.of.Stone


      Good to know.  That sounds nice, spending more time outside and stuff, drawing and dreaming and reading thick books.  I'd like to prepare for the future that way, tweaking my point of view to be more like that of a fantasy character.  So, you write often, then?  That's probably the best way to put yourself into other worlds and make them come to life. ^_^

  2. Um, posts?  Sure.  This is a post, right?  I will . . . I'll tell you about myself.

    I am a nerd.  All that great nerdy stuff from books to d&d to programming.  Hanging out with a group of nerdy people.  No, seriously!  All of them have glasses and weird voices and are super skinny!  I'm the only one without glasses, though, and they call me the voice of reason when it comes to decision-making.  No, I don't play many video games, nor do I spend much time (at all) on social media.  My current life goal is to get good enough grades to get into BYU Provo and get into Brandon Sanderson's creative writing class.  If you like writing,  I recommend: Writing Excuses (Fifteen Minutes Long, Because You're in a Hurry and We're Not That Smart).  Brandon and some other authors/teachers make those podcasts.

    1. Taeshi Vei

      Taeshi Vei

      If I could edit this, I'd change the info in Writing Excuses.  Nearly everyone probably knows what that is.

  3. I will change my profile stuff tomorrow. I just created this account, and it will be easier on the computer.

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