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Posts posted by wcqaguxa

  1. On 30.11.2018 at 5:08 PM, Ookla the Scrawny said:

    Yeah sure, I wouldn't count that as spam but ok. It's cosmere fan art, isn't it?

    I'll take it off, though I don't really understand how it doesn't fit in this category...?

    No, the whole forum is for Sanderson Fan Works. You are free to create your own topic with your own art in forum "Sanderson Art Works", but you posted your work in topic named "some fan arts of mine", "mine" meaning the creator of this topic, which is me, wcqaguxa. I did not invite anyone to share their arts on my topic so your posts are clearly spam unless they are related in any way to my posts, be in critique or praise.

  2. On 24.09.2018 at 2:20 AM, Ookla the Ookla said:

    Oh yeah...:D

    I like the shirt a lot. The rest is good. My one problem: Vin's mistcloak isn't right. It looks like it's fanning out halfway down her back, then no cloak before that.

    If your really have problem with understanding the picture, you might want to look at the speedpaint provided, it will explain you the design. Otherwise: Yeah, the mistcloak is perfectly right, you just don't understand the design. 

  3. On 28.11.2018 at 2:09 AM, Ookla the Scrawny said:

    I tend to doodle random weird symbols or shapes a lot, and I came up with some Stormlight-inspired insignia. The first two are both a bit similar, but at the same time I didn't want them to be too different; they were based off of Parshmen skin. The third needs some adjusting with proportions; I based it off of Wyndle.

    May I ask you to not spam on my thread? Please delete your message and if you really like to post those doodles, make a separate thread for it. And if you want to say something here, make it relatable to the thread.

  4. 10 hours ago, Snipexe said:

    Double posting is totally fine in this case anyway. 

    Also, I love the shirt. It looks awesome. How did you make it?

    First I put the T-shirt on a cardboard so it won't move
    I first sketch what I wanted to be on the shirt with a white pastel, the kind that looks like a pencil, it's a good way to get the details done
    Then I painted it over with acrylics with water, but only a little bit becouse it soaks through the fabric
    And after it I painited it with nearly dry acrylics, some whater is good so the edges ould be sharp and clean enough, but too much water would make the paint soak through and the T-shirt would be itchy from the inside.
    And at the end, (24 hours after I finished painting) to preserve the painting, I turned the shirt on the left side, put a bit wet cloth on the painting and ironed it, in theory it helps so you can wash it in the washing machine

    Thank you <3

  5. where did I double post? Every post contains information about different type of art I am creating, didn't want to mix them up...

    Edit: Thanks though for pointing out what is the most important in this topic about my fanart. NOT the fanart, obviously. It's the doubleposting. Really, thanks.

  6. And a T-shirt I did for my boyfirends ...birthday, probably? He was the one who brought me into cosmere, though I was the one to tell him that cosmere in fact exists and Stormlight Archive will be a bit more than a trilogy, as that is what he thought initialy :D 
    The T-shirt is hand-painted with acrylics.


  7. I started doing some fanart recently, so I thought I share also here :D
    Some Vin and Shallan :D I plan doing a more detailed fanart series some time, maybe even this year, but otherwise that was a pleasant warmup.
    Also some Overly Dramatic Kelsier (tumblr request)
    I also recorded painting those pieces, so I attach the youtube videos on a post below ;)

    If you like my art, you might want to check Facebook / Tumblr / Instagram / Deviantart / Youtube, whichever suits you the most ;)




  8. No, my bf's not here, he actually wasn't deep into cosmere theories and I discovered it all for him, but well it's sill true that I haven't heard of Sanderson earlier :')

    Glad you like my art, I wanted to study animation at some point in my life so I was attending lots of lessons up to 20 hours weekly (aside of attending regular High School :') )
    But despite that I failed art school exams and now art is just a hobby, as I now study Cognitive Science.

    Well I don't have a favourite book. I just... love all of them, all the secrets of cosmere. I can't jugde them, I just enjoy the story :D

  9. Hi! I'm no here so... uhm... how can I introduce myself? I was introduced to cosmere by a guy I met on holidays... (And now he's my boyfriend :D ) I really adore Sanderson's way of writing and the way he tackles society/civilisation problems, I view him as the most left-wing writer I ever discovered :D
    Also I do art (http://wcqaguxa.deviantart.com) so after spring exams I'll probably do some fanarts :)

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