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Posts posted by Caesura27

  1. Not sure if anyone has brought this up yet, but I remember reading something that Brandon wrote in someones book. It was something like "Stormlight makes plants grow." There might be something there with the energy cycle passing down stormlight through consumption and Lyft's boon or whatever it was allowed her to tap into the ambient stormlight in food that was originally absorbed by plants. I'll look for the exact quote, but I'm pretty sure this is what is going on.


    Q:  For Words of Radiance, could you put a comment about something in the upcoming books, nothing specific, just something I can think about? Something like "Renarin has a spren" you wrote for somebody else in The Way of Kings?
    A:  [brandon wrote]"Stormlight makes plants grow."

  2. Hey there everyone! This is my first post, although I have lurked on here for a little while. I stumbled across something while browsing the forum and some things I noticed on my most recent read through of the books. 

    Essentially the idea is that Kaladin was bonded with syl long before either of them remembered. This might be because Syl disobeyed in bonding with Kaladin and has memory problems. Bascally this comes form a bunch of different things that I've found, but the two main points are:

    In a flashback where Kaladin and his mother and brother are sitting on their roof during the weeping, he mentions something about he always hated the weeping because it was harder for him to find motivation to do things. Could this be because there wasn't any stormlight for him to be refreshed by?

    Also the whole thing he said to Szeth when they were fighting about the skies being his since birth.


    I don't know, its just something weird I noticed. I don't know if there was a post discussing this already. So I apologize if someone already brought it up.

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