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Posts posted by grasshoppa

  1. I had the same thought, actually.



    I'm suspicious that the mistborn books were started with 10 metals, then we come to find out there are actually 16 ( 8 and their alloys ), then here's Roshar starting with 10 surges.  

    I suspect that even if there are only 10 surges, we'll find some relation to 16 later on.  Of possible note is that 16 IS 10 in hexadecimal.  I don't know how that could possibly relate, but I'm throwing it out there anyway.

  2. By the end of Shadows of Self I would have agreed with you.  However, the explanation in Bands of Mourning made me consider that I was only looking at it from a real-time, linear perspective.  Whereas Saze's perspective is a bit more comprehensive.  

    I'd guess that Saze is seeing not only other individual futures, but also the future as a whole and is acting accordingly.  Much as a toddler may not understand why filling up on ice cream is a bad idea, a lot of the actions we're seeing here won't make sense until we have the same perspective.  

    That's my take anyway.

  3. 4 hours ago, Jondesu said:

    I've been formulating a theory that the Heralds are originally from either Ashyn or Braize, and probably Braize (which I think was the Tranquiline Halls and is now Damnation, rather than those being different places).

    This brings to mind another mechanic; do we know how a shard can "unstick" themselves from a planet?  Maybe the reason Odium is stuck in the Roshar system ( and I'm guessing Braize primarily ) is because there are still people alive originally of that world, so he can't move on until they're dead.  I'm not sure how that'd work with the desolation cycles, nor how it factors into the breaking of the oath pact.  

    Maybe once the heralds are well and truly dead, not just ported back to damnation ( which I'd love to know how that works too ), Odium is free to leave the system, and that's what the Oath Pact is all about.

  4. I'm not sure we have ideal examples upon which to compare.  Kaladin was afraid of his powers and thus didn't really start working on them until later, however he did show some skills prior to speaking the second ideal. 

    That said, I feel like the oaths enable a more efficient use of stormlight.  They may make the skills work better too, but I feel as though that's probably secondary to the stormlight use.  I also think that a person begins having powers immediately following the spren initiating the bonding process, prior to any oaths ( I believe this would be cosmere consistent ).

    Oh, and Dalinar had been using stormlight for an undetermined amount of time given how it felt familiar to him and how easily he was able to learn to use it.

  5. On 2/17/2017 at 0:35 AM, Extesian said:

    Secondly, unfortunately we know why Vasher is on Roshar, and it's for a reason that doesn't apply to her.

    Oh, right, I had read that and forgotten about it.  

    Now that I think about it, I doubt we'll get word of her in TSA; if I recall correctly, there was to be a sequal to Warbreaker, so I'd guess revealing anything of her fate would ruin it in that.

  6. 19 hours ago, teknopathetic said:

    Is the spiritweb crack itself enough to let in light? 

    It's my understanding that the crack is necessary for a bond, but by itself is otherwise not sufficient to begin using an investiture system.  

    It'd be interesting if I'm wrong :D

  7. 1 hour ago, Tarion said:

    We know Dalinar has drawn in Stormlight in the past

    And more importantly, if it was Stormlight, he wouldn't be so badly scarred. It doesn't just preserve your ability to fight, it actually heals the damage. 

    Not entirely.  I seem to recall a WoB that stated stormlight ( and gold ) healing only healed as you expected it to, or some such.  Witness Kaladin's brands that haven't been healed.  


    So it's entirely possible he has surface scarring because that's what he expects to have.


    EDIT: damnation, ninja'd

  8. I'd do it.  Not only would I do it, but I'd also post the craziest, yet true, stuff in the theory threads just so in 10-30 years when it's revealed to be true I might give others the opportunity to go, "wait..."

    Of course, I'd worry about those forum folks who have memories that long, but I'd still do it.

  9. As far as windspren vs honorspren; I got the impression that Syl only popped over to the physical to bind with Kal, otherwise she would have stayed in the cognitive.  So I would assume the number is pretty close to 0.  

    They are pretty closely related, hence the confusion.

  10. On 2/2/2017 at 0:56 PM, jofwu said:

    I don't think this will play out in Stormlight... But I wouldn't be surprised if he survives Stormlight in some capacity, and goes on to play a bigger role in the Cosmere. Maybe Honor will be put back together somehow and he'll take it up? That's my best guess.

    That's my pet theory as well.  

  11. 37 minutes ago, Spoolofwhool said:

    It's been confirmed that items which are too invested cannot be burned allomantically. This is indicates that burning probsbly obeys the general principle of investiture interfering with other types of investiture effects.

    Has it?   I must have missed it, my bad.  


    That raises another fun question then; are shardblades more heavily invested than the god-metals Lerasium and Atium?  I had assumed they were effectively the same thing, but if they are too heavily invested to burn what's the difference?  


  12. 48 minutes ago, Spoolofwhool said:

    The shardblades are so invested they're probsbly allomantically inert. The investiture in metalminds doesn't stop you since it's far less. 

    Not sure level of investiture changes it's allomatic-accessibility, although I can imagine trying to burn too heavily invested a piece of metal would be dangerous/fatal to the allomancer.  

  13. 21 minutes ago, Crucible of Shards said:

    Ok, so assuming you could manage to physically burn a Shardblade, what could one expect to happen, since you are, in effect, burning a Splinter (the spren)? Would it make a difference if the spren was alive or dead? After all, like you mentioned, metals are close approximations of souls in the Cognitive...

    Putting aside the ethics of burning the physical realm manifestation of a sentient being for a moment :P

    I have no idea.  We've only really seen two god metals burned ( lerasium and atium ), and their reactions were different enough that I wouldn't feel comfortable extrapolating.  

  14. 6 minutes ago, Crucible of Shards said:

    Also, good luck trying to allomantically burn a shardblade.

    This got me thinking.   I bet you could do it by first creating an alloy with Lerasium, then divesting it of it's identity ( I'd assume you'd have to strip identify off the investiture stored in the metal ).  The actual investiture isn't a problem, as evident by compounders.  

    As far as Adonalsium...interesting.  I've been trying to puzzle out how a shard^4 could be overpowered and split by 16 mortals, and that might help explain it.  

  15. It may be a small thing, hardly worth note, but it's been bothering me since finishing Edgedancer; anyone else notice Wyndle's statement about having to be metal, and how there's a connection between a spren's physical realm aspect and metal?  

    I already had suspicions that metal had relevance outside of Scadrial ( given how metal and souls glow alike, as well as the mystery metal ), but this confirms it, and I would love to know the significance of it.  

    Like I said.  Small.  Probably insignificant, but it's still bothering me.

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