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Status Updates posted by dead-moth

  1. Praise Jaddeth, I've got some sick armor

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Darkness Ascendant

      Darkness Ascendant

      No like, what's under it How is it wearing it?

      But the real question we must be asking is.

      What's under a diglet?

    3. dead-moth
    4. Darkness Ascendant
  2. I was thinkin of doing for myself a new profile photo every time I leveled up but things are happening Too Fast

    Is there a rank list somewhere ???? 

    1. Darkness Ascendant

      Darkness Ascendant

      Mhm. They *do* go fast


  3. hello!! My power was out and then college work happened. I'm back now and I can finally get started on some stuff ! :)

  4. I'm the #1 most popular contributor of the week? That is so cool! Thank you all!!!

    1. manukos


      not surprising , considering the awesome sketches you've been doing .


  5. me: I have the gallery figured out now ! 

    gallery: uploads everything twice


  6. It posted twice again, save me from myself

    1. dead-moth


      I have solved it. I feel so proud

  7. Someone set me on fire & hurl me into the Great and Benevolent Hate Orb which is our sun as a sacrifice to insure that 2017 is better than 2016 

    (Also, could someone help me pin down all the descriptions of Roshar's ethnic groups because there are so many and I must be accurate in my scribbling )

  8. I'm listening to Edgedancer and DANG

  9. I drew a good thing for my Secret Sazed gift but I can't post it yet because it is secret.................. how tragic

  10. This week on deadmoth doesn't know how to use this website: I accidentally post the same image twice

  11. fun fact: tech week for a theater production + college finals = im dead. i am dead. i might become a hoed you guys. also i havent drawn anything for like two ENTIRE DAYS and it is freaking me out yall i cant even type 

  12. just finished SFSITFOH and holy mackerel I loved it

    gon draw some threnodites you bet

    1. Droughtbringer


      I'm excited to see them!

  13. nanananananananananananaKELSIER 

  14. @ whoever just approved that one kelsier drawing and deleted the zillion duplicates: THANK YOU

  15. can i delete images. i can't delete images. someone help me out here there are way too many kelsiers


  16. i didn't realize that images needed to be approved or whatever. thinking that my faulty internet connection was to blame, i tried to upload a single image of kelsier like SEVEN TIMES

    there are now seven separate kelsiers waiting for approval


  17. I am on an iPad and can't change my profile picture, send help

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