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Status Replies posted by DawnSeeker

  1. [Yesterday] *reads news update on cosmere movies. Begins hyperventilating, and cannot speak in normal sentences for the rest of the day.*

    1. DawnSeeker


      I think that the movies won't be exactly like how I imagined the book, but I still think they will be good. Brandon Sanderson is supposed to be the Executive Producer, so hopefully that means they can't pull an Eragon on it.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. [Yesterday] *reads news update on cosmere movies. Begins hyperventilating, and cannot speak in normal sentences for the rest of the day.*

    1. DawnSeeker


      I was in a coffee shop, drinking espresso on an empty stomach, (I was on a giant caffeine high) and then my friend texted me the news, and I told everyone in the coffee shop the news, and then bothered the Barista bout it for about half an hour.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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