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Posts posted by Zackleaynts

  1. @Dankness Ascendant Darkness sounds cooler! But more cliche than Dankness, aha. Ah great, so you're a writer too. Would you be able to, someday, read and critique my writings should I post some in the future?? Besides writing in my aforementioned Indonesian friend's universe, I'm also doing worldbuilding my own sci-fi-fantasy universe and stories, tho, like yours, they're all rudimentary for now, aha! Yaa..I procrastinate a lot too.. >_<"

  2. @Dankness Ascendant Aha, I'm good, somewhat entertained with our lil conversation back there, aha. Well, I'm trying to write my first fantasy short story, set in a fantasy universe created by a professional fantasy novelist friend of mine who lives in Indonesia. This would be my first real entry to the world of fantasy writing. Thanks for welcoming me. The first time I saw your nick I thot I read "Darkness Ascendant" too, hahaa

  3. @Dankness Ascendant Okay let's deduce a bit, without referring to that cruel somewhat-funny creepy video, aha. Dankness could mean something that is moist and uncomfortable while being so. Ascendant means like something that is escalating in magnitude, or power. What is moist and rising? Well...when you gotta pee and your chair wouldn't let you! That's why you confused yourself as that chair you're sitting on! Aha. =P

  4. On 10/28/2016 at 9:40 AM, Oversleep said:
    On 10/29/2016 at 3:17 AM, 1stBondsmith said:

    You have been warned!!! Just a bit of ominous greeting there. The cookies have some very interesting side effects, you will learn about them with hemelurgy. Men of HONOR do not collect ripped apart pieces of other mens' souls. It's just not done. Lose the cookies and join the Free Sharders. (And have a free upvote for welcome. the rest...you have to earn). 

    @1stBondsmith Instinctively asking, does hemelurgy got anything to do with Brandon's books? Yes or no, don't spoil, aha. I know that "free sharders" do have anything to do with Brandon's books tho since this forums' named as 17thshard. Thanks for the warm welcome! Aha.


    19 hours ago, Elenion said:

    Welcome to the Shard! Have an upvote.

    You're better at English than some native speakers I know, so I'd say that counts as good.

    You're safe to keep them, but if you eat them then others will be able to control your mind. Fun stuff, right? :P

    @Elenion Thanks! It's a big recognition for me to have my English recognised by an English native speaker (assuming you are on)! What, eating them will restore my mind?! Hmm I'm seriously considering to rite now! xD


    7 hours ago, Secrets said:


    Don't worry, the cookies rip your soul taste great! I have some ready to eat here for you!


    @Secrets I just had my breakfast, aha. =P


  5. 2 minutes ago, Oversleep said:

    Don't listen to bleeder, he's trying - for some unknown reason - limit your access to delicious cookies. It's just a welcoming tradition we have, we offer newcomers cookies and sometimes some people pop up in introductory threads and try to make them not eat cookies. Weird, right?

    Anyway, have a cookie :)

    Haha, thanks for welcoming me. =D

    I'll keep the cookies, but not eating them, good compromise, yay? =P

  6. 2 minutes ago, bleeder said:

    Hi, Zack! 

    I'm bleeder, and we're glad to have you! I wear vests and rant about music. 

    Welcome to the Shard! I hope you learn much and make new friends (I sure have). 

    We usually try to have intelligent Brandon-based conversations, but veer off into topics like cooking, and horror podcasts. 

    Speaking of cooking, don't eat the cookies.

    Anyways, welcome! If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask me!

    Hi, bleeder! Thanks for welcoming me, that was fast, aha!

    Are they bulletproof vests? Ya, I hope I'll learn a lot of things here, and make at least a few good friends, hehe.

    Intelligent discussions on stories of a so-loved universe?? I look forward to be part of it!

    Ah you see, I never understood the underlying nuances, if there's any, of "don't eat the cookies" and "give that guy a cookie" expressions on the net? Is there another colloquial meaning of it besides, uhh, Internet browser mechanic/system/functionality/whatever? 

    Thanks again! Aha

  7. Hi, hello and greetings, everybody! 

    Name's Zack. I'm an aspiring science-fiction and fantasy novelist from Malaysia. Aha. 
    I am new to writing a novel, but did get my hands on writing stories by writing a few when I was primary and secondary school. The farthest I got, at the time of writing this, in writing fiction is a short sci-fi-fantasy story-in-a-form-of-scripts which I named "Flaring Stars" that I wrote for a crush during the last few months of my secondary school times. It was the best, and still is by far, writing I've ever done and tho I gave the original copy to the girl, I didn't make a additional copy of it, and she said she has lost it. Aha. Would love to get back on it and write a novel version of it, otherwise. I'm not very exposed to reading, in fact I've only ever read two books, which are both fiction, to the finish; a Malay version of "The Jungle Book", when I was a kid, and "Magician: Apprentice" by Raymond E. Feist, when I was a teen. Now I'm an adult and altho I haven't gotten around reading some books to the finish, I want to start reading sci-fi and fantasy novels seriously, you know, just so that I have good grasp in the storytelling of sci-fi and fantasy for a sci-fi-fantasy novel series that I'm planning. So be comfortable at giving me recommendations.I prolly am gonna fail at it reading and writing again, but I won't tell myself to give up. Aha. I plan on making reading and writing part of my dedicated discipline among my daily routine. The only books by Sanderson that I have are Way of Kings and Words of Radiance. Other things...I have more than 50 songs I made, but so far only one song I have found its guitar chords and it's the only song I can strum. I hope someday to, keep making music, finds all of their chords, perform, record and upload and share them somewhere on the net. I'm also fond of drawing and video game development. I've used a bit of RPG Maker and loved it. I have a Pixiv and Deviantart accounts, with the name "Zackleaynts", but still haven't found opportune time to comfortably post my doodles and sketches. Zackleaynts is my main Internet nick, by the way. I like to entertain the ideas and prospects of becoming a video game developer and comic book illustrator and writer. But being a jack-of-all-trades is very hard, even though my real life nickname is Jack. I was involved in Karate for about two years but never advanced beyond White Belt due to financial restriction. I can find myself enjoying almost any type of music, but the ones I love to listen to are punk rock, pop and country. Altho I'm still a long way from being good and accurate at English language, especially its grammar, I'm looking forward to making the rest of my life a productive happy prosperous life. Crap before clap, someday my wings will gladly greatly flap.

    Glad to be here.

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