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Image Comments posted by Spoolofwhool

  1. 4 hours ago, Argent said:

    It would be 5 over 3. You always start at the bottom, and you always start with the highest order of magnitude available. Think powers of 10: 30 is 3x10^1 (30) + 5x10^0 (5). So you write 30 on the bottom, 5 on top.

    This being said, I don't see how the 1173 example would be correct.  The vertical line on the bottom is 1000 (which is fine), but the two red ones immediately above it would be 900, I think, not 100 (as suggested). The green and blue above that correctly correspond to 7 and 3, so it's the red I don't understand. Maybe @Harakeke can help us out.

    Thanks. Also, I don't understand why 10 and 20 are just horizontal lines. Is there a reason why?

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