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Posts posted by goody153

  1. Quote

    "He shall defend their ways, yet shall violate them. He will be their savior, yet they shall call him heretic. His name shall be Discord, yet they shall love him for it."

    Even Telsin mentions about Harmony becoming Discord like capital in one of her lines.

    Ohhh boy Scadrial is gonna in fun times. Also the epigraph saying so much irony of Discord is gonna helluvah interesting this is how you end an era with a big question

    Thoughts ? Theories ?

  2. 10 hours ago, robardin said:

    As for Autonomy’s saying that Harmony was verging to becoming Discord - I presume that was the “dark shadow” of Harmony that we saw a few times, but not every time, he manifested…

    What would be the implication of Sazed’s intent moving to “Discord”? Even more inability to act? Or would he act more often but more erratically (randomly alternating between doing acts of Preservation or of Ruin)?

    Let me quote you an old epigraph



    "He shall defend their ways, yet shall violate them. He will be their savior, yet they shall call him heretic. His name shall be Discord, yet they shall love him for it."

    Looks like Sazed is gonna go bonkers lol

  3. 4 hours ago, Karger said:

    They will eventually find an aluminum sheath and some specially trained fused will get Nightblood.

    *coughs* my answer wasn't serious *coughs*

    On a more serious note. It will be a permanent solution with Odium and the fused but we won't have a clue as of now considering oathpact isn't a thing that stops the fused anymore (just Odium it seems).

  4. Lightweaver and Truthwatcher for entertainment and presentations.

    Elsecaller and Lightweaver with soulcasting doing practically any job.

    Skybreakers as law-enforcement(obviously it wont be as bad without crazy Nale leading them)

    Skybreakers and Windrunners for transportation and peace-keeping.

    Dustbringers. Demolition ? Quarry jobs ? 

  5. Abit late to the party but i wanna chime in regarding OP's post. 

    @Parallax The whole point of Stormlight Archives if not only Dalinar's Story alone is about redemption not justice which is about individuals who made mistakes, those who are broken and those are wrapped by a dark past. It is about the story of making right of the wrongs while still alive that has been done by being a better person and moving past such things anymore to help create a better world. 

    Dalinar did countless atrocities but everything about his story is about trying to make right by doing the right things and no longer do the horrifying things he did before. The entire thing about him committing atrocities is completely intentional and something that can't be glossed over for the very reason of making a more convincing case of the theme.

    Stormlight Archives is all about becoming a better person no matter who you are. 

    At the same time why Dalinar didn't just surrender to the embrace of death that is justice was due to the bigger looming fact that there's a God of Hate who is about to kill everything and nobody is doing steps towards stopping Rayse except him.

    If you expected the series to be all about justice(or revenge as those two are entirely interchangeable) then you came for the wrong series. I suggest reading Best Served Cold by Joe Abercrombie or perhaps any rendition of Count of Monte Cristo or something. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Shard of Thought said:

    Oh yeah. I think Kell would have little self-confidence faced with Odium. 

    Just reading about some of his perspective when he was still alive (like not cognitive shadow alive but alive alive).

    He is soooo consumned with rage and blame. He is extremely competent too. He is perfect as Odium's tool 

  7. 15 minutes ago, Jace21 said:

    That's fine, it can not seem a coincidence to you while possibly being one for me.

    Brandon qualifies the WoB saying Endowments involvement is more than using her investiture (breaths) but "not to the extent you're thinking", so it's still pretty vague. 

    And while I agree that the creation of Vasher/Nightblood are unlikely to be coincidence, it could easily be conincidence that they are on Roshar, which is what I was saying. Even Shardic future sight is flawed and considering the Returned don't always do what they're supposed to anyway, she clearly isn't perfect and forseeing hundreds of years in the future will be even more difficult.

    It isn't 100% sure but shards have everything too planned that it is highly unlikely to be coincidence.

    And shardic vision only becomes flawed once other shards are involved in contesting the future. Alone ? It is 100% gonna work but when other shards are involved tangentially it will become uncertain.

    It basically works the same way with Atium combat. When atium user faces a none-atium user they can predict 100% but against another atium user it becomes weird and uncertain (this has a wob but i can't find it .. i'll try to edit tomorrow as it is 10pm here and i have work really early)

  8. 11 hours ago, Jace21 said:

    It could definitely be a coincidence. Nightblood is more than just Endowment is likely only on Roshar because Vasher took him and Vasher himself just wanted more freely available investiture. Is it possible both were Endowment's plan? Yes. Are there perfectly reasonable alternate explanations, also yes.

    Coincidence is very rare when shards are involved especially something like Nightblood which basically has Endownments involvement personally.

    Hell they can sometimes plan for a person to be born like centuries ahead(if simple things like keeping Rashek's nostalgia for a millenia is planned by a Shard then stuff like having a splinter outside the system is more likely a planned action). Having 2 splinters offworld in a very precarious place does not sound as coincidence to me

  9. Edgli could be putting a front of being tough in the letter. Inside she could be worried that Hoid is right about Odium. 

    I wouldn't count shards or anybody really to be really truthful all the times. Even Sazed's letter to Hoid was abit PR-ish way of communicating. He said he wants to talk to Hoid right but he could've been tricking hoid into talking but he's really gonna capture and torture information out of him(ok this is not true for sazed but you get what i mean)

    Besides Nightblood and Vasher on Roshar ? Both are giant splinters of endownment. Those are definitely not a coincidence despite her claiming to stay away from other shards.

  10. On 2/7/2019 at 6:40 AM, Lightblood said:

    I personally want to see Ironeyes be a anti-hero in the next era. Kinda a wild card. A rightoues villian thats working against Trell, but not on the side of the protaginist.

    You know that sounds like a really good introduction of Kelsier's character back again.

    On 2/9/2019 at 2:51 AM, Lightblood said:


    Make Marsh fight to the death with his Younger (more attractive) brother!

    Harmony's Ruin vs. Harmony's preservation!

    Battle of the ages

    Sounds like Dissociative identity disorder (DID) to me for Sazed lol

    On 2/9/2019 at 3:13 AM, Shard of Thought said:


    I love Marsh, but there's a dark part of me that really wants to see this. I wonder if eventually, Harmony's just gonna get mad at Kell and then have Marsh go at 'im.

    If Sazed wants Kel out of the picture i don't think that'll be how it works. He isn't the invasive Ruin anymore and his main motto is give people as much choice as possible.

    So he'll probably just arrange to have somebody or marsh in a scenario where they would fight each other. Or plan an entire sequence of events where it would lead to Kelsier's end without even directly being involved

  11. I suppose Vin and Elend's struggles are incomparable but i do find Elend's Tyrant vs Good King vs Idealist struggles so much more interesting than Vin's identity struggle as a person with much power/responsibilities that doesn't know where she belongs

  12. Yeah sometimes she remember's Reen. Sometimes it's just Ruin whispering in her head.

    Ruin influence is actually so effective. She can't actually tell whether it is your thoughts or just his voice. He can even make you do things or encourage you to do things without even realizing as if you were doing it on your own will(that's with Vin knowing about Ruin's existence)

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