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Posts posted by ColdLatte

  1. 1. What would your power/secondary power be?

    Create all kinds of weapons and can use them to their full potential. (eg: sword, guns, daggers, nuclear bombs)

    Time taken to create them depends on the size of the weapon. For example, creating shurikens would take 0.1 seconds while creating a immobile railgun (the giant ones that shoot down satellites) would take approx a week. I can stop creating those weapons halfway through and continue some time later (the halfway-done weapons will look like a small cube). I can then make big-weapon cubes prior battle then do the final touch during the battle. Saves time and space.  

    Secondary power: The secondary power could be anything because I master all the weapons that I make. For example, enhanced vision/accuracy to snipe people, super speed and strength to fling my swords and daggers at maximum, invisibility from the invisibility cloak that I created. I also cannot be harmed by the weapon that I created. 

    2. What is your weakness?

    Prawns and crabs. I'm allergic to them IRL. I also lose the secondary power when I'm not using the weapon. For example, I will only have enhanced vision/accuracy when holding a sniper rifle, only have super strength when holding giant 2H sword.

    3. What is your cheesy name?


    4. In what way does your inevitable evil manifest itself (why do ordinary people really hate you?)

    Example, I nuke city A and frame city B for doing it to start wars between them, nuff said I guess. 

    5. Costume
    Some steampunk-ish clothes. Messy hair. An inventor/mechanic/engineer vibe.  

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