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Posts posted by SheSmiledAnyway

  1. While him being a main character would be cool, that really wouldn't be necessary, interludes would still be really cool, if just a hint of what is going on on the other side. However I can see how it might be too Cosmere heavy. If he makes the afterlife a bigger point in future books then maybe. I just keep thinking of the prelude to the series and what all that was about where the Heralds went. It seems like there will be Herald viewpoints, so that should be made clearer. And Mistborn was pretty 'Cosmere heavy', wasn't it? We at least saw shards, even if we didn't get complete explanations in the main series. So we could totally see war against Odium without having to know all about him and thus dragging the books through the Cosmere. Lots of really cool ways the viewpoints could go though...Renarin will be fantastic, as will Jasnah...although I hope if we get Taln we get his actual personality for part of the time at least. He must have such a cool story, being abandoned and everything.

  2. So there has been a lot of discussion about future Stormlight books, and the possibility that characters will die before we get their flashback story. I think this might have been the case for Dalinar, before his flashbacks were moved to book 3. This idea also prompted thoughts about how even if a character dies, they might still have a story, fighting with the Heralds to get back the Tranquiline Halls, aka fixing the Rosharian afterlife (this is only speculation and theories). I just came to the interesting conclusions:

    • Gavilar is dead, thus in this <broken> afterlife
    • We could get a flashback story for him, probably in the latter half of the series
    • Also in the latter half, he could be the viewpoint character for the afterlife
    • If Dalinar dies, there could be a very sweet reunion scene (whether canon or fanfiction)


  3. 2 hours ago, teknopathetic said:

    Man, I hope it was a Worldhopper with the royal locks. Could you imagine someone on Roshar who could change their hair and eye color at will (wob that more physical changes are possible than just the hair). 


    I also wonder if the Royal Locks pertain to any royal line. We know that only potential heirs to the throne inherit the royal locks. But could a different throne be enough to activate the power? My guess is the royal locks work because the owner BELIEVES the locks will work on a cognative and spiritual level. But, its unclear what would happen. The do mention Adolin's hair a lot though haha

    The hair is interesting. On Roshar, it is a clear sign of heritage, so it helps identify and descriube characters quickly. There is an interesting connection between its importance and the Royal Locks...

    I had been opposed to the idea that Shshsh could have royal locks because it seems like it would be obvious if that were passed on. But if the person themself needed to acknowledge or be aware of their inheritance, maybe it would work. 

    Another connection that may or may not be relevant: becoming a Knight Radiant or possesing Shardplate lightens your eyes, a physical change just like the Royal Locks. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

    There was a YouTube video of Brandon reading a chapter from SA3, and you do meet Dalinar's wife, albeit briefly. I think it's more likely for Shshshsh to be a member of the Ghostbloods, Sons of Honor, or another one of those factions after Urithuru and the Desolations.

    That would make even more sense! And since the Ghostbloods especially have worldhoppers among their ranks, she could have still heard of Adonalsium. 


  5. So, after wandering through the forums, I have formulated my first theory post.

    This theory: 

    Which uses the excerpt from Stormlight 3 to suppose that Sarene is Dalinar's wife, which I'm not sure about, but it does look like Dalinar's wife and her brother could be Worldhoppers, possibly 17th Shard members,

    and this post, 

    Which, in the midst of another discussion, points out something I saw before I knew what Adonalsium was, which is that the letters in Adolin are in Adonalsium as well. And it's just really strange that the names are so similar. In the same post, Devo also theorizes that when Wit name drops Adonalsium in WoK to Dalinar, 


    In fact, I think maybe Wit was testing to see if Dalinar intentionally named Adolin after Adonalsium to see if Dalinar knew more than he was letting on. Wit just blurts out "Adonalsium" out of the blue to gauge Dalinar's reaction, then asks Dalinar directly if the word means anything to him, then makes a comment that sometime gibberish words are unintentionally formed from the sounds of other words. It seems that he maybe noticed the coincidence that Adolin's name was made of sounds from Adonalsium and having verified that it was a coincidence and not intentional on Dalinar's part, makes an offhand comment about how it's funny that meaningless words (I'm including names here) can be made up of sounds from other words.

    Now, it would make sense that Dalinar knows nothing about the coincidence, but what about his wife? Again, going off of the assumption that she is not from Roshar, which is based on the Dalinar flashback reading we get where she is very clumsy, trying to use her left hand for everything, implying she isn't used to it, etc., she would know about Adonalsium. Now the question is why....

    Thoughts and advice appreciated! 


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